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Chapter 1: Something

15 Jan 1966

Well, we have 3 Beatle weddings down, 1 to go. Today George and Grace are getting married. I'm so happy for the two of them. Growing up back in Liverpool George didn't always have the best time finding a good bird for himself, but now that he has Grace I couldn't be happier for him.

Just like Ritchie and I had done, their wedding was at the registry office here in London. We were all meeting over there in a bit to get there before Grace would arrive with Christine. I was picking myself out an outfit to wear while Ritchie was taking care of Zak. He was now about 4 months old and everyday he looked more and more like his father. He has the same bright blue eyes as Ritchie, I can't express how much I love it.

I was getting changed and doing my hair when Ritchie came in with a little crying Zak.

"Love, yer son won't stop crying. I think he's hungry.."

I turned to see the two of them before getting up, taking Zak from him. As soon as I did Ritchie went and fell down on the bed. As much as we both love being parents it's much more work than I think he was expecting. Other than him going to the studio for recording and the little bit of photography I still do our lives are filled with changing stinky diapers, not getting a full nights sleep, and hearing Zak constantly cry and having to calm him down. I love my little boy to death, but he really keeps his mummy and daddy busy.

I had sat down by Ritchie on the bed and adjusted myself to feed Zak. After a few minutes went by he was all finished, I burped him and sat him on my lap.

"All good now, baby boy?" I looked down at him, tickling his belly lightly as he smiled and giggled.

Ritchie sat up next to me. "You're such an amazing mother, love."

I smiled, looking over at him. "And you're an amazing father." He kissed me lightly before he stood up.

"We should probably get going and head to the registry office. You got the baby?"

I nodded, standing up. "Yes, you can head out to the car and we'll meet you downstairs."

He smiled lightly as he went downstairs. I went over grabbing my purse from off the dresser and into Zak's room to get his baby bag. Looking down at Zak I smiled before I went downstairs. Going out the front door I went out to the car, putting Zak into his car seat and going into the passengers seat.

Ritchie looked at me. "We all ready to go?"

I nodded looking back at Zak. "We're both ready."

He smiled at me as he pulled out of the driveway and drove to the registry hall. As we drove there Ritchie looked over at me.

"Are the disguises in the back?"

I nodded lightly. With all of us being who we are we have to wear disguises in public so people won't know who we are.

Reaching into the backseat I grabbed a bag with our disguises in them. Pulling out a blonde wig I put it on, hiding all of my dark hair and slid on a pair of glasses. I pulled a hat out and put it on Ritchie's head. He already looked much different than most of the fan realize. He had let his mustache and beard grow out more, which I absolutely loved, so many people may not recognize him as easily.

We arrived at the registry office soon after. Once we were parked and settled Ritchie slipped on a pair of sunglasses. Looking over at me he nodded.

"Now there we there go." He smiled lightly as he reached back to get the baby bag. I got out of the car and went into the back to get Zak. Picking him up and getting him out of the car he looked up at me and began crying.

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