10| What Happened Last Night?

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"Take me away from here Ace....please."

I held her face in my hands, "Just open your eyes, we'll go with the ambulance." I told her but her grip on my arm tighten.

She shook her head, "Take.. take me to my apartment." A strong feeling of deja vu hit me. But it felt like I actually did live this moment before, a girl with puppy brown eyes holding onto me like this asking for help.

Why her apartment? She's practically having a panic attack and can't feel her legs.

I decided to stick to her wish and carried her in a bridal way, her hands went around my neck. There is no way for me to take my car and get her home.

I walked away from the scene with her in my arms and called a cab. I carried her in and she balanced perfectly on my leg. I just hoped my member down there wouldn't wake the fuck up.

"Quinn, Quinn?" I called her trying to make her gain consciousness, I've never felt this helpless before I have no idea what to do. She seemed to be breathing heavily and beads of sweat formed on her fore head. I felt her temperature, her body was burning. Then a tear fell from her closed lashes and went down her cheeks, her hands held my shirt tightly.

Something inside of me twitched and no it wasn't my memeber.

I found myself stuck in a trance by this woman. My hands moved and tucked her hair behind her ear, her breathing was heavy and I could feel her chest moving against mine. I wiped her tears and cupped her cheeks in my hand, "Wow," I breathed at her beauty. She was more beautiful than in pictures.

The driver stopped at the Golden palace where we lived. I compensated the driver and carried Quinn to her apartment.

I stopped at her door. And it hit me, "Password! Shit, what's her password?"

I looked at Quinn who was unconscious, how am I supposed to get in her apartment? God damn it.

"Quinn, Quinn.... what's your password. Huh?" I asked gently but all I got back was silence.







"Well, what the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked the door as it kept rejecting the passwords I kept.

I looked at Quinn. I really hope she's okay.

I went to my apartment and kept in my password, I laid Quinn down on my bed and used the covers to warm her.

I sighed as I gazed at her, she seemed so peaceful her full eyelashes stayed static but still managed to make her beautiful, her full curly hair, her full lips, and pointed nose everything made her perfect even though her puppy brown eyes were covered by her eyelids. It would be only a fool who wouldn't see her glowing beauty.


I immediately jumped up from the bed and shook my head vigorously, stop Ace.

No! I can't fall for her, I can't even think about that. I want to fall for someone without having to be set up by my family, I want to feel the process of falling in love gradually not just having to date because my family says so.

I guess I'll have to sleep on the couch. I was about to walk away when I felt Quinn's finger wrap around mine stopping me from going.

I flickered my gaze to her hand holding mine and back to her face, "Don-don't go," She breathed just enough for me to hear, her eyes were still closed.

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