Ch.2:|The one where she meets Karasuno

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Again this has been edited by yours truly. But I'm still not the most reliable person so forgive the mistakes that sneaked past me.

Friday was meant to be a day to look forward too. A day when you finish school and can do whatever your heart desires for the weekend. But this Friday was no such thing. Akari's Friday consisted of spending a whole day enrolling in Karasuno College whilst Keishin writhed and groaned next to her. She'd been carrying him the whole day and he'd been complaining for every second of it. It was now her turn to complain.

"Coach, you're heavy," Akari stated as they now made their way to the last stop of the day. The Karasuno College Gym.

"Its muscle." He breathed out. He was in so much pain yet he refused to let her meet the boys alone. Something about leaving them with a good impression of him for the next few months. He didn't want to be overshadowed by her.

"Of course it is. That's why you couldn't climb a tree. The muscle weighed you down." Akari said, face straight. This girl had no filter. 

"You sure they're ready to meet me?" She asked.

"No, not at all. I'm still not ready to meet you. And I'm your brother."

"Oh, harhar. I'm not that bad."

"What you are is a volcano. Unpredictable and dangerous."

"And you're still heavy."

"Stahp hurting my feelings."



"COACH UKAI! ARE YOU OKAY?" One of the volleyball members said, running to the entrance. He had short black hair and was of average height. He looked slightly older than Akari not to mention he was taller, then again not many people were shorter than Akari.

"Yes, I'm okay." Keishin refused to say anyone's name. He planned for her to guess all their names as a test to see if she could manage or he would somehow, injured back and all, coach them. Akari helped him inside and sat him down on the bench. She just looked around the guy,. taking in her new surroundings when Keishin raised his eyebrows. Poor thing couldn't raise just one making him look more shocked than amused. She sat. 

It was Keishin's job to make this work. Not hers.

Keishin groaned and grabbed the attention of all the members who came running to him. He smiled at her. Oh, he was going to be like this then. Liar.

"Everyone, take a seat."

Akari internally screamed. Her brother knew she could not handle new people. She was extremely awkward and if anything came out of her mouth, it sounded insulting. She had this vibe to her which made people avoid her. (She's basically me. Besides all the talent and smartness. Yayyyyy.) Akari scratched her head and burned holes into the sides of Keishin's head. He was the loud, bright and scary one. She was the loud but quiet, dark and scary one. So he was enjoying every second of her discomfort.

This ladies and gentleman was her reliable older brother. She could count on him to make her want to go hide under her bed.

"So I don't know if you were informed of this. But I recently injured myself."

"You wanna tell them how?" Akari asked when all eyes turned to her. DAMMIT. She wasn't meant to speak. She had wanted to contain her.....personality and not scare them too much. Once she was comfortable with someone, she was extroverted in every way. But when meeting new people, she couldn't help but want to cry a little.

"You've all finally noticed. This is my younger sister."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH?!" They all shouted.

Karasuno's Ace Of Hearts ♡♡♡ (Haikyuu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now