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I end up not moving, just falling asleep. My head was still pounding and I struggled to stay awake. But once I woke up griffin was cuddling me, I wasn't sure if us dating was a good idea, we litterally were just fighting. I get up and go to the bathroom and then go down stairs to change and get around for the day. Griffin still asleep.

When I come back out I go and grab my keys when I felt some one come up behind me. "Where ya goin" I turn and see a smiling quinton. "Starbucks? I need caffeine, I am finally getting rid of a headache and a hangover so." I kinda laugh. "Can I come." He bats his eyes, "did some one say there leaving?" Bryce walks around the corner. "Wait to where?" Anthony appears out of nowhere." "Oh my god." I laugh, "I'm going to Starbucks." They all grin. "Let's go if you're gonna go." I sigh giggling at how happy they got.

I drove, Bryce up front, quint and Anthony in the back. Eventually Bryce got the aux and played music and the guys were dancing around and singing till we got there. I went through the drive threw due to the busyness. I lean over and begging to ask the lady. "Hi, I would like a Carmel -" when all of a sudden Bryce is poking my side tickling me making it hard to talk, "Bryce, a Carmel macchiato iced ." "What size." She asks as I try not to bust out laughing and I'm squirming around, "grande " "anything else?" Bryce quickly leans over and orders and I lean back and ask what they want, after I get done ordering theirs and griffins, with Bryce still poking me, we finally go up to the window and get our drinks. I reach out and he pokes me as I grab it almost making me drop them. "Bryce!" I yell laughing.

I give them their drinks and drive back home and I automatically go upstairs, "where to so fast?" Bryce says trying to stop me. I smile and continue walking up the stairs, I knock and walk I'm shutting the door, "hey sleepy head I got you coffee." I smile as he turns half asleep and sits up. "thank you." He says with a raspy voice. "You took a long time." He says taking a drink, "cause I guess I had to have a posse." I kinda laugh, "who all went?" "Bryce , Anthony, and quinton." I state confidently. He nods slightly.

"Awe I didn't get food." I pout, "did you buy all of these?" He asks which I nod to, " lemme take you to go get food then." He smiles getting up. "Griff you don't have to." "I want to." He smiles , kissing my forehead before going and getting some clothes, "Imma shower and get around and then we can go." He says I nod and go down stairs, I make a couple tiktoks, which most the guys jumped in on.

"Oh hey tayler, you're still here?" I smile. He nods, we talk for a bit, make a tiktok and hang out till I see griffin walk down the stairs, "ready?" He asks "yep." We hop in my car , he chooses to drive, and starts driving.

We get to the place and sit down, "so I think we need to talk." He says after he places his order and the lady walks away, "about..." I said confused, " I know we aren't meant to be together, we keep hooking up but I know that we're just friends at heart, I don't think we are more, I was thinking long and hard about it when you left." "Wait.. so you asked me to be your girlfriend to dump me hours later?" I ask kinda nervously laughing, " I'm trying to do what feels right camila." He states. "Mk." I say.

We get our food and we eat in silence , as was the car ride home quite silent, he tried to talk to me but I gave him bad responses. I feel confused, tossed to the side, useless anymore.

We get home and I go in my room and stay in there all day. All the guys and I have become really close and know when something's wrong, so I hear a knock , "come in"I say slightly annoyed, "hey." I see tayler say, "hey." "You good?" He asks, "yeah." "You sure cause I mean, you've been in your room all day." "Yeah, I'm just tired of people.." "what do you mean?" "People using me." "Who?"  "Well I mean Bryce seems to only hit me up when he's horny, i don't know if he actually misses me, and griffin has messed with my heart so much. It's ridiculous." I sigh , "things will work out okay? Take some time to find what you need. Don't let people get that advantage." He smiles hugging me and then heading out.

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