~chapter one~

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Aura was still asleep when she heard someone's footsteps approaching her room. "Aura!" She could hear her big brother Alan open her bedroom door and call for her. "Wake up, you need to be ready when Ms. Smith comes, and it's already 7am."

Ms. Smith was Aura's teacher who would come by the house every now and then, to teach her a new subject, or just to check that she understood everything and wasn't falling behind in her studies.
But for the past week she had been coming over every day of the week, because it was the exam week. So Ms. Smith would watch over Aura while she did her exams. And it was also the second last week before summer break. It was Thursday now, so only a week and three days left of high school. And then they would finally graduate.

Aura was brought back to reality from her dream land once again when she felt someone pull her warm covers off her. "See, even Max wants you to get up" Alan commented still trying to get her sister out of bed. Aura whined a little while sitting up slowly and at the same time holding on to her covers for her dear life.
She looked down on the floor to see Max. The Alaskan Malamute, in other words Aura's dog and the love of her life. He was still holding the other end of the covers between his teeth. The covers that had already pulled half way off Aura.
Max was a guide dog of some sort. He warned Aura about upcoming headaches so she would always know and prepare for the episode.

When Aura gave Max a disapproving stare, the dog sat down and gave out a little bark before starting to wag his tail from side to side. Aura grinned a little before saying. "Stop it Max, stop being so cute. How can I ever be mad at you when you're so adorable" Aura said before getting on the floor in front of Max and cupping its head before kissing his face all over.

"Hello? I am also here, and I hate to break your little moment but Aura you really need to get ready. When you're finished changing come downstairs, I made breakfast".
Aura looked at her brother with a smile before getting up from the cold Flore and basically jumping on him.
"Morning Alan! Did you sleep well? Thank you for making breakfast again. I love you!"
And it was true. Aura loved her brother more then anything in the whole world except Max of course. After all, Alan was the one that took care of her, ever since their parents died in a road accident when Aura was only five years old. They moved in with their uncle, but when they were old enough they moved in to a little house that was actually quite perfect for the two teenagers.
But even after that their uncle insisted on paying their bills. Their uncle owners quite a large business, and reassured the two siblings that it was alright.

Alan looked down at his sister that was in his arms and smiled warmly before he patting Aura's head slightly. "Come on sugar cube. Get ready I'll be waiting in the kitchen." Then Alan walked outside and left Aura to change.
"Come on Max. Let's go" she called for she gray dog before walking to her closet and picked up a sweater and jeans and walked to the bathroom to change. And like every morning Max would lay down on the bedroom floor, patiently waiting for his owner.


Chapter one word count: 604

Note to readers:

Hello. The first three or so chapters will be a little shorter, more slow phase, and maybe a little boring to some. Keep in mind that this will be a story that slowly builds up over time and I want people to be familiar to the characters. This is my first ever story here and I hope you enjoy it.

By: blindchicken101

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