~chapter twenty seven~

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"Aura, wake up. It's time for breakfast."
Aura was woken up by the familiar and soothing voice, just like she had been all throughout the previous weekend.
Which reminded her. It was Monday, and her first day at her new job.

"Come on already."
Another voice made her frown a little. This one was not soothing and even sounded a bit annoyed.

"Come on Aura, or do I have to carry you again?"
The first voice returned and Aura opened her other eye to peek up at Mason who was now shaking her lightly to wake her up.

Aura replied and smiled innocently up at Mason who gave a little chuckle before lifting the still half sleeping girl, and setting her so that her arm and legs were wrapped around him like a baby koala.
When Aura had settled, she opened her eyes and found the source of the 'not so soothing' voice. Ron was standing behind Mason looking as bored as can be. Wearing all black, as usual, which made his golden brown eyes pop up even more, and seem like they were almost glowing.

"Why are you here?"
Aura asked sounding just as annoyed as Cameron had just a minute ago. His voice and presence had after all, ruined her almost perfect morning with her boyfriend.

"Hey now. No need to look so happy to see me."
Cameron said looking tired.
"I came to make sure you wouldn't end up cuddling for an extra hour like yesterday, and that you would actually come for breakfast this time."
He finished and yawned in his sweater baw.

Aura was still a bit annoyed so she stuck her though out at him, but the action just got her the middle finger from the raven headed boy.
Aura pouted and Mason chuckled once again at their small pickering.

"Took you guys long enough."
Nova's sweet voice came from the kitchen when they made it downstairs.

"Yeah but not as long as it would have taken without me there."
Cameron said crediting himself, before falling on to one of the chairs in the dining room. He parted his legs as if for good measure to show how lazy and tired he was feeling.

"I wouldn't have let her sleep in on a school morning regardless."
Mason said as he sat Aura down on one if the chairs and sat down next to her. Not long after a bowl of serial was placed in front of Aura and a plate if eggs and bacon in font of Mason.

"Thank you mom."
Aura said playfully to Nova who had made them breakfast and who was now sitting next to her boyfriend on the other side of the table.

"No problem sweetie."
Nova said and grinned at Aura.

"How did you sleep?"
Came Matt's voice and Aura lifted her gaze to make sure he was talking to her. Which he was.

"Well better them him apparently."
Aura said amused as she pointed her spoon at Alan who was leaning against Matt with his arms crossed on top of his chest and his eyes closed. The boy was obviously sleeping away his tiredness.
Matt laughed a little before looking lovingly at his boyfriend and soul mate.

The rest of the breakfast was spent in comfortable silence and when they had eaten Mason spoke.
"Aura. Why don't you go get your bag and I'll wait for you outside since we'll take the same bus today. I'll put your dishes away."

"Alright thanks. I'll see you outside."
Aura smiled oblivious to Mason's actual intentions and walked upstairs.

Alan had already woken up by now so Mason didn't have to worry about that. And it was perfect that everyone were here, because he knew that he wasn't the only one who wanted to know.
So he cleared his throat and turned to look at Nova.
"So Nova. I've been meaning to ask this for a while, and I know I'm not the only one wondering. But what are you?"
He had been meaning to ask his friend and beta about his girlfriend but thought it would be better to do it personally.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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