~chapter fourteen~

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"Hello everyone! And thank you for coming today, to celebrate all these amazing people who are about to graduate. And start a new chapter in their lives."

Aura was sitting in the third row or people, the same people she had went to high school with.

Alan was sitting next to her as they held hands, while listening to the principal talk in a formal matter on a stage in front of them.
And as the principal was done with the speech and started reading the students names one by one, Aura started to get nervous.

"Simon Lightwood."

And a boy from the first row stood up to walk on stage.

"Congratulations on graduating Mr. Lightwood."
The principal spoke while handing the boy his diploma. The peace of paper that would help them forward in life.

"Thank you."
The boy named Simon simply answered as he took the diploma and walked to the sidde like they had been instructed.

"Lydia Brown."
Another name was called.
"Congratulations on graduating Ms. Brown."

"Thank you."

"Dimitry Lopez."
Yet another.
"Congratulations on graduating Ms. Lopez."

"Thank you."

At some point Aura didn't listen to the principal so clearly anymore, untill she heard him call.

Aura Thompson."

Aura quickly stood up not prepared for the moment her name was called. She walked to the stade trying to walk as gracefully as possible.

As she got up the small stairs and on the stage, she was greeted by the principals warm smile.

"Congratulations on graduating Ms. Thompson."
The principal said and handed Aura her Diploma, with she took in excitement.

"Thank you."
She said with a wide smile on her face. When she turned to walk the the place everyone elce were standing on, she caught a glimpse of the audience.

At first she saw William and Sophie and she gave them a little waive that was left unnoticed to others.

When she shifted her gaze a bit, her eyes caught a sight of another familiar face.
Aura looked at him a bit surprised, but when the boy smiled at her she did the same before walking to her spot on the crowd of students.

After the formalities the students got together with their families and friends to congratulate others and to take photos.

Aura was quickly tacked into a tight hug by William and Sophie as his brother was talking to his friends.

After a moment of talking and hugging William and Sophie had to leave for work, so Aura went to join his brother.

"Congratulations big bro!"
Aura yelled as she jumped to her brothers back surprising him.

"Congratulations to you too sugar cube."
Alan answered grinning, as he caught his sister so she wouldn't fall.

As aura got down he looked at Matt, Noah and Cameron.
"Congratulations my dudes, it's finally over now."

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