~chapter six~

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"Aura! It's so nice to talk to you again! How's it going girl." Cindy basically yelled on the other side of the laptop screen, as cheerful as ever. "I haven't heard from you in forever." She continued still loudly but not enough to be called yelling.

"I've been good Cindy. How about you?" Aura smiled while continuing the conversation. "Omg girl! You'll never guess what happened at school last Monday."

'And there she goes again'
Aura thought to herself now smiling even wider then before, while listening Cindy's talk about boys, makeup, clothes, the newest gossips in school and what ever was trendy right now.

Even though Aura wasn't all that into any of that stuff, she honestly liked to listen when Cindy talked about all those things. She was a good listener and a trust worthy person.
Although she was almost completely oblivious about fashion and those things, she did sometimes wear a little bit of mascara, but that was it. And her clothes mostly consistent of jeans and a hoodie, with a t-shirt underneath.

She did have a time when she did want to get into makeup, and she bought concealer, some red lipstick, blush and highlight.
However her brother found them, and kept an hour long speech to Aura about self love and natural beauty, witch she was actually thankful later on.
It would be too big of a hassle anyway.

And what came to her clothes? She just liked to wear something she liked and felt comfortable in. Why would she have to buy some fashionable cloths that she didn't even like just to please others?

"So, Aura? Are you still immune to boys, as you said it?" Cindy asked with a smirk, while wiggling her eyebrows at the same time. "Hmph! Of course I am. I still have my mind attached, and don't have pink cotton candy for brains. Unlike some people."

But just as she said that, a picture of Mason came to her mind and she could feel the heat rush to her neck and all the way to her cheeks. "Omg! You like someone! Who is it?"
Aura cursed to herself before quickly answering. "No I don't! Oh look at the time. It's already late. I should go, by Cindy."
"Oh wait don't forget about tomorrow." Cindy said before Aura could hang up on her. "Of course I'll remember. See you then." She chirped and closed the laptop before Cindy could start another conversation about boys.

Cindy and Aura were going to go dress shopping tomorrow, for the school dance. It had taken some convincing from Alan so he would let Aura attend, but Aura was pretty sure that even Alan knew how unreasonable it would be to not let her go.

She was thinking how weird it would be to go to the school and she all of her old classmates. Some people had asked aura few times how she was doing after she had left, and she really appreciated it. But even then Cindy was her only true friend.

Aura was brought back from her thoughts with a bark from Max. She looked at the clock and jumped up from the bed, with wide eyes. "Holy guacamole! It's already 7.30!"

It really was late, like she had told Cindy. She looked at Max and said "I'm sorry Max! I lost track of time. We'll leave for your walk right now." She took her phone, but I in her pocket, took the dog leash, opened the backdoor and walked out to the backyard with Max on her side.
She didn't really need the leash, because Max would never leave further then 10 meats from her. But she always took it with her just in case.

It was already dark outside, but it didn't really bother Aura. If anything she liked the dark and the night time. Aspesially on nights like this, where there was a little summer wind that she felt on her face, and brown slightly wavy hair that reached a little over her shoulders.
The wind was cool, not warm because it was already night time, but it wasn't cold. It was just perfectly cooling it the warm summer night.
And when she lifted her head, she saw the perfectly round full moon shining it's light to her path.It was mesmerizing and just so beautiful. Dimly shining it's light down to the world. The light that looked almost blue.

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