~chapter eleven~

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Sorry there were little problems with the publishing cos im a big dum dum. This chapter was ready a week ago. And I thought I had published it but apparently no.
Anyway my bad and hope you enjoy.

That morning Aura had woken up just like any other morning. Because the dance would be that evening, she didn't have to wake up any earlier than usual.
Like any other morning, she had taken Max out for a walk. But this time she had half subconsciously, and half purposely taken a different path so she would avoid the place where she had met the wolf some nights ago.

She was just walking but realized that Max had stopped. Aura went back the pathway untill he reached Max who was clawing the ground with it's paw.

"Hey buddy. What did you find?"
Aura asked while kneeling next to the place Max had digged. It looked like a small white rock. But why would Max be interested in a rock?
And Aura's suspicions were confirmed when she took the object and observed it more closely.
It wasn't a rock. It was a tooth. Or more specifically an animal fang. It was neither big or small, but definitely bigger than humans.

"I hope whoever lost this didn't get too hurt."
Aura said in a small voice. She put the fang in her pocket, deciding to keep it. Maybe she could turn it into a necklace.

5:30pm, half an hour before the dance will start and Aura was a nervous wreck. Her thoughts were all over the place and she couldn't help it. And even though she didn't like it, one of the biggest reasons for her nervousness was Mason.

She let out a long sigh that could probably be heard to the other end of the house. Suppose it was almost a frustrated groan then a sigh.

When Aura was finally ready in her dress with all the accessories and a little bit of mascara and concealer under her eyes to hide her somewhat dark circles, she was just happy that Cindy wasn't there. Otherwise she would end up looking like a doll with oll the make-up she would have given her.
For a finishing touche Aura had her mid length almost golden brown hair pulled on a braid bun, with small hair strands on both sides of her head going behind her ears and were hanging loosely with curls on them.

"Aura are you ready?"
She could hear her brother call out to her from somewhere in the house.

"Yes! I'm ready."
Aura exclaimed excitedly while walking out of her room and to the front door where she was met by Alan and Matt.
Aura came just in time to see Alan give Matt a peck on the lips before both of them smiled to each other.
"Ah! My heart!"
Aura said dramatically while holding her hand over her heart and the other was on her forehead as if she was about to faint.

"Oh stop it. You can be such a brat, you know that right?"
Alan said. Even though he was probably trying to be irritated he could never be mad at his sister, and his voice came out more playfully then anything.

Aura just gave the two a wide toothy grin before all of them started to walk to the car.
But when they got in the car Aura was a bit disappointed that it was empty. Subconsciously she had expected Mason to be sitting in the backseat, and when Aura realized this she mentally slapped herself.

But her expression must have given it all away because Matt spoke.
"He's not here. He went to the school with another car."
He looked at aura thought the car's view mirror and smiled. It was a soft but a bit teasing smile.

"Who? I don't know what your talking about."
Aura asked stubbornly as if it wasn't already obvious.
In return she just got a 'you know what I'm talking about' look from Matt before he started to drive.

Finding her WolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora