~chapter seven~

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When Aura was woken up the next morning by her alarm, she was really excited about going shopping for her dress with Cindy. But at the same time she didn't want to get up, and just wanted to lay in her bed the whole day.

She didn't mind shopping, but she could also think a hundred other things she would rather be doing. The thought of just standing in front of a mirror for hours on end, didn't exactly intrigue her.
But the thought of being able to spend time with her friend got her wide awake. And also her uncle's wife, who was going to come along. To help find just the right dress, but also to pay for it. Their uncle William, and his said wife Sophie had insisted on paying for her dress as soon as they heard the word school dance.

At first Aura had tried to tell then that she could pay for it. But it was no use trying to tell that to William and especially to Sophie, who at times seemed to be more excited about the dance then Aura herself.
And then there was also a speech from William, how he owns most if not all the big businesses in their city, and how the money wasn't a problem. Because apparently their family had invested the town long ago, and all the business was owned by Aura's parents. But it was all inherited by William when they had passed away.
But at the end of the day Aura was nothing but grateful for all their help. And everything they had done for her and Alan.

Aura was getting ready to take Max to their naybors house. Do to Max not being an official and trained service dog, he usually wasn't allowed inside the shops. She also couldn't just leave him alone at home.
Their neighbour was a sweet lady in her 60's, who lived alone because her husband lived overseas with his work.
Max had been there many times before so it wasn't a problem. And their neighbour had told her that she's more then happy to look after Max when ever Aura needed her to.

"Oh Aura dear." A woman around Aura's height opened the door for her, and greeted Aura with a warm smile before her eyes fell to Max.
"Oh. And who do we have here" the woman continued with her enthusiastic voice. She was really energetic for her age and just over all a happy person.

"Hello Rose." Aura greeted her neighbour, a same kind of warm smile as she had. "Thank you so much for looking after Max while I'm gone." Aura thanked her genuinely.
"Oh. Nonsense!" The older woman answered in almost snappy voice. "It's my pleasure. And looks like this boy is just as excited." She continued while patting Max who had moved next to Rose, and was wagging his tail like there would be no tomorrow.

Aura just smiled in return. She knew that Rose enjoyed Max's company, especially sense she lived alone. Aura always tried to visit her but hadn't in a while because she had her exams.
"I'll be going then. Alan is going to come pick me up soon." She waived to Rose before running off.
"Alright dear. You kids have fun then. And don't forget to send me a picture of your dress!" Rose yelled the last part so Aura would hear.
"I won't! Thank you again!" Aura yelled back and was already running back home.

When Aura reached their front porch, There were already two cars parked in front of their house. When Aura got inside everyone was there. Cindy, Alan, Matt, Noah, Cameron and even Mason.

Aura had barely set a fool inside the house when she felt Cindy pull her into a tight hug, and if Aura didn't know better she could have thought Cindy was trying to kill her. That's how tight her hug was.

"Aura! Omg girl it's so good to see you!" She yelled excitedly.
"It's good to see you too Cindy, really. But I'm starting to lose blood circulation here." Aura let out in a whisper do to Cindy's death grip that was still around her.

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