~chapter eighteen~

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That night Aura couldn't sleep.
Or maybe calling it that night is wrong, for the night was normal among any other.
It was not special in any way.
So why was it that tonight She couldn't fall asleep.

If anything tonight she hoped to fall asleep more then ever, to escape the thought storm inside her head.
It wasn't overwhelming nor was it sad.
It was mostly just frustrating and tiring.

It had been almost a week since Alan had broken the news about Max to her, and explained to her how they would be living when they move.
It had almost been a whole week and she was still thinking about it all and couldn't get it out of her head.

Aura turned to lay on her side from her back to look at the clock on her night stand.
She mumbled the time to herself before letting out a sigh.

It had been three hours from the moment she had gone to bed in attempt to fall asleep.
Three full hours she had been just lying on her bed, occasionally turning to change her position.

She let out another sigh before sitting up, and carefully standing up trying not to make a sound.
She successfully putted on some sweat pants and walked to her roon door, because she was already wearing a hoodie that's all she needed.
She opened the door and closed it after her as quietly as she could not to wake Max or Alan up.

She tiptoed all the way to the back door and even few steps after she had gotten outside.
She walked to the hedge that was located in the back or their backyard and started looking for the familiar whole in it.
Even though it was dark Aura didn't have to look long.
She had walked the same path so many times she would have known where to go even with her eyes closed.
After finding the space in the hedge she took a step to the other side and stopped.

The same forest path looked just like all the times before this one.
Aura closed her eye before taking a deep breath of the fresh air and letting it out slowly.
She opened her eyes and started to run along the forest path.
She ran as fast as her legs could take her as all she could see was green blur from the corners of her eyes as she ran.

The light night breeze felt nice on her face and her fingertips.
It played with her hair that she had left untied. It was probably getting tangled by the air but Aura didn't care.
All she cared about was how free she felt at the moment as all her thoughts and worries faded in the air and disappeared behind her along with the wind.

She ran all the way to the top of the hill that she knew from all the walks with max.
Only when she saw the green bench on the top, did she start to slow down her phase and eventually stop in front of it.
As she slumped down on the bench she felt the corners of her lips turn upwards into a smile.

She was out of breath but she loved the feeling of it.
She had used to do this a lot few years back when her parents death had been on her mind all the time.
Running had been her escape from those thoughts. And usually she had done it at midnight for some reason. It had just been peaceful then.

At times like these Aura was glad that they didn't live in the heart of the town but at the edge of it where they had more forest.
Away from traffic and big buildings.
This also meant that no drunk teenagers would come wondering in the woods at night.
The city that they lived in, if you could even call it that, wasn't big nor small. It was average. Something in between.

That's also why Aura was nervous to move to university. It was in a big city somewhere she had never lived before and rarely even visited.
They had shops or all kind in here so there was never any need to go.

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