~chapter two~

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It was currently 7.30 am. Aura had Finnished changing a while ago and was now eating the last bits of her toast. Max was sitting next to her on the floor and looked up at her in hopes of getting a bite. Alan was in his room packing his bag for school.
Aura just finished the last of her toast when she heard the doorbell ring. She stood up excited and went to open the door because she knew exactly who it was.
"Ms. Smith!" Aura said excited before hugging the woman standing in the doorway. "Hey Aura, miss me already? Did you sleep well?" Miss. Smith laughed lightly and hugged Aura back. "I did thank you. Come on lets go to the kitchen and I'll make you some coffee" Aura answer and gave Ms. Smith a wide smile, that showed some of her front teeth.

Aura was just that type of person. She liked to stay positive. She also always made sure to keep her important people close to her. Because after her parents had passed she learned how easily everything can just... disappear. That's why she always made sure to enjoy every moment and live in the moment.
And one of those important people was Ms. Smith. Especially after Alan insisted that Aura would be better off being homeschooled. Because apparently after she started high school she had had more schizophrenic episodes then usually. At least Alan had said that that's what they were.
Aura had only told about the voice that she could hear when she had headaches, to Alan. Who had said that there were schizophrenic traits in their family, and she must have inherited some. He also said that it was nothing to serious.
And aura believed him. After all, the voice never said anything bad or hurtful. And in fact sometimes even comforted Aura. But just to feel more safe they got her Max as a guide dog.

She had also told her best friends in school, Cindy. Cindy was her only real friend, and Aura was beyond happy when Cindy had said that it was ok and she would help Aura in any way she could.
Unfortunately nothing good lasts. One of the girls in their class had overheard their conversation, and word got around.
And even tho the so called bullying wasn't all that bad. Like really, it wasn't. Sure there were whispering in the hallways when Aura would pass by and someone would give her stares, but she would have been more surprised if they didn't say anything. The bullying was never anything physical and the people in their school were surprisingly open minded and generally kind to Aura. But even then her stubborn and loving brother, had insisted that Aura would be homeschooled.

As Aura and Miss smith walked in the kitchen Alan walked out of his room. "Oh. Ms. Smith. You're already here?" Alan asked a little surprised but still happy to see her.
"Alan, you're still here? And yes I decided to come a little earlier to prepare all of Auras tests for today. Hope thats alright."
The black haired woman answered and stood up to go hug the tall boy. With her heels Ms. Smith was almost as tall as the 185cm tall boy, which made the hug much more easy for the both of them.
Some might say that hugging your teacher so casually would be weird, but not for them. Ms. Smith was more of a mother figure for the both of them than a teacher.
"Thats alright. Aura can make you some coffee. And yeah, I'm still here since Matt is going to come pick me up, I'm not in a hurry."
Alan spoke and let's go of Ms. Smit who sits back down.
"Aura could you ma-"
Alan was cut off by his sister who turned around with a coffee mug in hand. "Already did dear brother" and placed the mug in front of Ms. Smith on the table.
"Thank you sweetie." Ms. Smith said before she started to sip the drink carefully not to burn her mouth.

It was 7.45am when they heard a car honking. "Well that's my sign to get going. Bye sugar cube and good luck on your tests." Alan said while giving Aura a peck on the cheek and walked to the door."Goodbye Ms. Smith" the green eyed boy said before opening the front door."Bye kiddo" Ms. Smith said. And before the door closed Aura yelled "Good luck Alan! Have a great day and tell Matt I said hi." "We'll do!" Alan yelled back already outside, before closing the door.

Matt was Alan's best friend. Although Aura could swear they were more then that, even after Alan had said there was nothing going on.
Matt would sometime come over and spent the night. Aura had spied on them once or twice but when nothing happened she was almost dissapointed. She had tried to get the two together fewbtimes and swore that one day they would end up together.
She just wanted her brother to find happiness and fall in love and Matt was a perfect match. Peanut butter brown eyes, dark brown hair and only 5cm shorter then Alan.
But to 164cm tall Aura, Matt who stood at 180 was still tall.

Aura was brought back from her thoughts by Ms. Smith. "Hey Aura I know we are officially supposed to start in 15 minutes but if you want we can start right now and also finish a little earlier. How does that sound?"
Aura looked at the clock on the wall. It was 8.00 and school usually started at 8.15". "That sounds good." She said before sitting down across from the black haired teacher. "Alright then. Let's see, where did I put it" Ms. Smit spoke as she wet through her bag."Ah! Here it is. Your fist test of the day will be math" she continued saying while putting the paper on the table in front of Aura. "Alright brain cells, don't betray me now" Aura thought to her self before picking up a pencil and starting to figure out the first problem.

"Aaand, I'm finished!" Aura said, glad that she had already finished her third test of the day. "Good job Aura. Alright it's" Ms. Smith stopped her sentence to look at the clock on the wall. "12.30" she continued. "I think it's time for a lunch break, don't you agree?" The woman asked smiling slightly.
"Yeah you're right. You can order what ever you want while I go take Max to the backyard for a little run." Aura also answered with with a smile. "Come on boy let's go!" And the dog stood up with a pure excitement to be able to go outside, but to also be able to be with his owner. The dog rose up and placed his front paws to Aura's chest and started to lick every last corner of Aura's face, while the girl just laughed. She run to the back door and opened it for Max who immediately dashed outside and jumped around.
Aura always took Max outside twice a day. On weekends she would take him to a high hill that was located a nice walk away from their home on both occations, but because of school she could only take him to the hill in the evening. And around midday she would just let him run around for a bit.

Once they returned inside from the nice and warm summer weather, there were two boxes of Chinese takeout on the table and Ms. Smith was sitting on a chair checking her phone.
Once Aura arrived in the kitchen she opened a cabinet and took out a bag of dog food. Then she took Max's bowl from the floor and measured 3 full mugs of food in. Then she filled it in with water before walking to Max.
"Sit." She said. And Max obbediently sat down. "Wait." She said before carefully placing the bowl down and stood up. And like his owner told him, Max did not move. After few seconds Aura finally said "Dig in." Referring that Max was allowed to eat now and he wasted no time in doing so.

After they had eaten and Max's little snoring could be heard, it was time for Aura to continue her tests. There were two left, science and English. And after that she would finally be done for the day.
"You ready?" Ms. Smith asked, and when she got a little nod from Aura she said. "Alright you can start now.
She had to hold in a little laugh after looking at Aura's face that looked so serious when she nodded. Or at least she was pretty sure it was supposed to look serious but to her she just looked like a cute child.


Word count: 1476

Note to readers:

Hello! The second chapter of 'finding her wolf'. Again little boring but definitely longer this time. But I assure you that next chapter will actually have some interesting events in it so look forward to that.

By: blindchicken101

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