~chapter twenty~

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Not even a whole day was left till Aura would be moving. In fact it was already tomorrow. Suppose it's needless to say that she was nervous.
No. Nervous was a great understatement. At best she had been terrified yesterday and had almost broke down crying in Alan's arms.

Then the day before yesterday she had been nearly jumping on the walls because she had been so excited.
A rollercoaster of emotions would be an accurate subscription of how she had been feeling.

She had always been a nature kind of girl, and thats why she had always liked the little town they lived in.
But the university they were moving to, was not just far away, but also in a big city.
So she had every reason to be a nervous train wreck.

She had been really worried when Alan had told her that the closest place that even resembled a forest, was at the edge of the city and you would have to take a bus to get there.
At firt she had been worried because of Max.
How would he be able to handle all the traffic and not his daily walks through the forest and all the fresh air.

Then she had remember that Max wasn't even going to be moving with them.
Another reason to be worried.
But at that moment Aura had finally realized how the city life would just be bad for the poor old Max.
She would just have to let go.

The day after Cindy had left, Matt and Mason had visited to let Aura and Alan know that Mason was leaving.
He was going to go ahead and take care of all the paper work for the student house.

Aura had learned that Mason was a year older then her and the others, and that he was going to be a second year in the Spring Hill University.
Mason had turned 20 in April, and Aura would be 19 in September.

They had been left alone when Matt and Alan had left for a walk.
They had just sat in the living room and surprisingly had a normal conversation.
Aura had told him about Cindy leaving and how it had been really hard for her to let her best friend go.

Mason had told Aura that she was surely going to meet new people in University.
And Mason had told her that the guy that was going to live with them was a friend and classmate of his.
But he hadn't unfortunate known who the girl, who was also going to be Aura's roommate, was.

They had played with Max a bit before Mason had to leave.
It wasn't hard for Aura to see him go. They were going to be living together for the next few years, and she would see him in a week.

During their conversation in the living room, Aura had expected for Mason to tease of make fun of her in some way.
But to her surprise, not even one sly comment had left his mouth and he had been super nice to her.

Now she was sitting in the kitchen almost an empty look in her eyes.
But unlike what her eyes showed, her head was still full of thoughts.
And her heat was full of emotions.

She found her fingertips playing with the little piercing in her ear lobe.
It was a habit she had formed ever since she got it.
When ever she was nervous she would touch and play with the little jewel.

The piercing wasn't big, with around 7mm long diameter. And it could even be mistaken for a normal earring.
Aura had gotten it when she was going through an 'emo phase' five years ago when she was thirteen years old.

Around that time their parents death had been a big deal to her and she had been in a really dark place.
Today she could laugh at the memories, but deep down she knew that it had been a really big deal.
And although she had gotten over it, she had liked the piercing enough to keep it to this day.

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