~chapter twenty four~

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"Can we talk?"
A shiver ran down Aura's spine as the words left the boy's mouth with softness, as well as determination.

Mason obviously tried to sound determined, but Aura could see that he seemed nervous for some reason.

Aura had already excepted her faith of not being able to talk to the boy and had gave up on the idea, but now that the chance came she found herself wanting to run away.
She wasn't prepared to have a conversation with him. Not when she was still confused about how she felt towards him.

So she quickly turned to Cameron, who was still sitting beside her, watching Aura's reaction clearly amused.
"Actually me and Cameron were going to go for a walk outside."
Aura said and looked at Cameron with pleading eyes.

Cameron might be quiet at times and not very social. But he wasn't stupid, and could be quite observing.
He knew that Aura needed to talk to Mason sooner or later. It was way too obvious the girl had been bothered by Masons very existence.
And that needed to change. They were going to be living together for God's sake.

So he stood up from the couch and stretched his arm before speaking.
"Yeah count me out, im beat.
But if you're so eager to go, just take Mason with you since he wanted to talk anyway."
He spoke nonchalantly. But he was very aware of the green eyes of a girl, who was gabbing at his betrayal, watching the back of his head as he walked upstairs.

Aura watched as the raven haired boy she believed to be her friend, walked away leaving her in trouble.
Little did she know Cameron was doing her a favor.
And a big one at that.
But she didn't know, so she felt a bit betrayed. But her attention was caught elsewhere making her forget it for the time being.

"So. Want to go for a walk then?"
Mason's voice held some sort of hope, which made Aura a bit conflicted.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, I just really want to talk to you about something."
Mason hurried to say when he saw the uncertainty in Aura's eyes.

"No it's fine. We can go for a walk and...talk I suppose."
Auta knew it was going to be awkward, but there was no running from the situation.

They would just talk, that's all.
But when Aura though about it, she felt slightly disappointed. Was she expecting something more?

Did she want something more to happen?

"Lets go then."
Aura stood up from the couch before her thoughts could go completely haywire.

The summer night was crispy as they breathed it in. Aura had her hoodie on, which warmed her just enough so she wouldn't get too hot.
Walking outside like this was weird to her for few reasons.
Firstly, it was a city and not their usual backyard forest she had gotten so used to over the years.
Secondly, and to her disappointment, Max was not with her.
And lastly, Mason was walking right next to her.

They had walked for a while but weren't exactly far.
Despite Mason's confession of wanting to talk, the boy hadn't said a single word after they had left the house.
At first it was comfortable silence, but it was slowly making Aura feel awkward. And also slightly eager to know what Mason had wanted to talk about.

Aura was considering asking him, when the boy abruptly stopped dead in his track.
Mason stood still and looked Aura straight in the eyes. And the little hesitation in his eyes, that Aura had noticed earlier, was gone.

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