~chapter twenty-one~

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A voice came out as a whisper in the dark.
Indeed it was dark. Only black everywhere, all around her as Aura just laid there. In the middle of nothingness.

The place didn't have walls, no floor or a ground, nor roof or a sky.
Just, nothing.
Aura turned her head to look to the right as she continued to lay on her back, straight with her arms to her sides.

The situation should have been scary or even frightening. But Aura felt nothing of that sort, as the darkness around her made her feel some sort of comfort.

She moved her head to her left still keeping rest if her body still.
Still the same. She was surrounded by it.

The same voice from earlier almost echoed in the empty space, but not quite.
But this time the said voice was louder, and sounded like it was closer by.

The voice, despite getting louder, was still somewhere out of her reach.
Somewhere she couldn't see.
The voice was a soothing female voice.
Familiar almost. And just like the dark, strangely comforting and welcoming.

This time Aura slowly yet so surely pushed her body to sit up. Her body felt oddly light.
She wasn't floating, but there was neither a surface that she was sitting on.
She just, was.

She looked around her. Ever so slowly and calmly turning her head to every direction to see something.

This time the voice was loud and Aura could hear it as clear as day.
She stood up a bit faster than when she had sat up just a minute ago.

Or was it a minute?
It could have been more, could have been less. The place seemed to also have a different sense of time, if the place even had time.
So what was this place?
She looked around once again. But she just couldn't find the source of the voice.

This time the voice came just behind her. And as she turned around a bit surprised, sure enough there was something in front of her. A light.
Just a light, but Aura could have bet that it was the source of the voice.

It was almost like a small sun, except the light coming from it was rather white that yellow, like a normal sun.
It was small. About the size of her palm.

"Hello Aura."
The soft voice spoke again.
And as it did, the small discolored sun expanded with every word. And after every word returned to normat, like a line would follow the rhythm.
But I wasn't a line, it was a ball.

"How do you know my name?"
Aura asked confused.

"Oh Aura."
The voice, as though breathed out.
"I am you, and you are me.
We are one, Aura."
The voice explained like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

What do you mean by that?"
Aura asked, now even more confused.
"What you said makes no sense."

"It will come to make sense to you when the time is right."

The voice answered calmly.

"If you are me, then you should know everything about me. Right?"
Aura asked. In a way challenging the voice, still not quite believing what it was telling.

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