~chapter three~

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It was 5 minutes past 2 when Aura blobbed on the couch face first, while at the same time letting out a long sigh that had a hint of sadness in it. But when she did, almost immediately Max walked in after her and let out a little cry.
Obviously a little worriedly about his owner he nuzzled his nose to Aura's face that was still hidden in the pillow on the couch. And when Max started to lick her face Aura finally sat up a soft smile placed on her face. She patted the empty space the on the couch next to her, and Max jumped on it. He sat down and looked at his owner and even tho he couldn't show his emotions on his face the same way as humans, Aura could swear that Max's eyes held pure concern.

Alan was still at school at wouldn't be back right away, Ms. Smith had left after Aura had finished her tests about 15 minutes ago. That meant that Aura was alone in the house. Some people might be scared if they had to be alone. Some people might be just lonely and call someone to come over to keep them company, but not Aura.
For Aura being alone in the house gave her time to think about life and other things. Being alone meant that she could let out emotions she couldn't show in front of others. Because even if she was a happy little ball of sunshine, even she held those sad and even dark emotions. And even if she knew that there was nothing wrong with that, and that her brother would be sad if she didn't tell him how she was feeling. But she chose to keep it to herself. She knew the sad moment would pass, just like waves on the beach they would come and go.
And she wasn't alone. She had Max. And so when Aura kept on looking in to Max's concearn filled eyes, she couldn't help but let a single tear escape her beautiful green eyes. She had the same eyes as her brother, and she actually really liked them.
As Max saw the tear escape his owners eyes, he licked it away from her beautifull, slightly round and now red cheek before laying down and placing his head on Aura's lap letting out a little whimper.
"I'm sorry Max. I didn't mean to scare you" Aura said still continuing to smile sadly. "It's nothing serious really. I just felt a bit sad there for a second. It's a little frustrating because I don't know why."
Max sat up looking in to Aura's sad eyes before licking her face again. Aura looked at Max and gave him a smile again but this time it wasn't sad anymore. No, this time the smile was genuine and sweet.

Aura stood up and walked to the backdoor, opened it and walked to the backyard. All the while Max followed right behind her now waving his tale a little. Aura took a deep breath of the nice clean air and breathed out before looking up at the almost completely clear sky. Only few little clouds here and there.
"Hello mom and dad. I hope you're doing good up there." She said not once taking her eyes off the light blue sky. "I've been doing good. I haven't had an episode for about in a month now, and in general nothing worth mentioning has happened. Although I have this weird feeling that that's about to change soon."
Aura looked down at Max after wishing a good day to her parents. And what she said was true. She had a feeling like something worth mentioning was about to happen. But she let it go before thinking any deeper in it, and walked inside to wait for her brother to come home from school so they could take Max for a proper walk by the hill behind the house.

After about thirty minutes later when Alan had opened the front door indicating his arrival, Aura had ricovered from her little pity party and was back to her old self.
It was currently around five a clock and the two siblings were putting on their shoes, so they could take Max for a well needed walk. Aura opened the back door and Max immediately dashed outside. Aura and Alan following him.
They talked about how their days had sent and how they think they had done on the tests. Aura also asked Alan if anything had happened with Matt, and Alan just rolled his eyes at his sister while letting out a little grown. "Matt is doing good Aura and nothing is happening between me and him" Alan said but Aura did not miss the little hint of hesitation in his voice and she gave her brother a look. "What? There isn't." Alan said and without realising he had said it a little too loud because now Aura was looking at him with a little grin on her lips before replying "sure dear brother of mine. Keep telling yourself that you can't fool me."
Alan let out a deep sigh and shook his head lightly as he watched her sister and continued to walk to catch up to her.

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