~chapter fifteen~

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When Aura woke up the next morning the first thing she noticed was that she wasn't in her room.

And the second thinking she noticed, was the awful headache she had.
And this time it was not because of an upcoming episode.

She groaned and grabbed her head with both her hand while sitting up on the bed she was on.
She was still wearing the same outfit from yesterday, which contained a pair of light blue skinny jeans, and a womens lose button up shirt that had some dark blue designs on a white base.

Normally she didn't wear something so 'fancy', but because they had their graduation yesterday she had tried to look the part of a person who had gotten out of high school.

But next she had to think how she got where she was at the moment.
She remembered coming to Matt's place for a party with everyone, going to the kitchen to get a glass of water and that it hadn't really been water in the bottle judging by the taste.

But what had happened after, was a total mystery to Aura.
She wasn't too scared, because she recognized the room she was in and she knew she was still in Matt's house.
Which was revealing.
And she still had her clothes attached, so there was that.

But who had brought her there.
Because Aura was sure she would have remembered if she walked on her own, which she didn't.
And she was sure it wasn't Cindy, Matt or Alan.
Maybe Noah?
But Aura hadn't seen him all evening after they left the school.

Her vigorous thought process was stopped by the door handle being pushed down, and the door being pushed open seemingly carefully.

At first Aura was on edge but relaxed immediately after seeing Alan standing behind the door, with Matt behind him.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"
Alan spoke softly as he closed the door after Matt had came in after him.
And Aura couldn't help but notice that Matt was slightly limping.

"My head hurts."
Aura answered, and asked right after
"Are you alright Matt? Why are you limping?"
concern in her voice.

"Ah yes. Im alright. Just hit my hip to a kitchen counter. What about you? Mason told us what happened."
Matt lied, because there was no way he was telling the innocent bread known as Aura, the truts about his uneven walk. And he turned the attention quickly back to Aura.

Aura questioned in confusion.

"Don't you remember?"
Alan looked at her with sympathy.

"Remember what?"
Aura pressed wanting to get answers to her questions.

"Well you see."
Matt started awkwardly, but didn't get far before Alan took over for him.

"You went to the kitchen to get water but accidentally drank vodka and got a bit drunk, well a lot since you've never had alcohol before."
Alan paused and scratched the back of his neck and looked anywhere but at Aura when he contained.
"Some guy tried to harass you but didn't get far thanks to Mason who happened to be near and help you. Apparently you took him to the garden out back before you passed out and he had to carry you in here."

After Aura didn't say anything Alan said.
"Im really sorry I wasn't there for you. That all could have been avoided if I jus-"

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