~chapter eight~

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Aura and the other two girls were still admiring her dress after 10 minutes, when Sophie's phone rang taking everyone's attention. Sophie looked at the caller ID and her face lightened, before she turned to Aura and said. "It's William."

She picked up and talked sweetly in the phone. "William honey. What is it?" There was a small pause when William talked non the other end of the call before Sophie spoke again. "We are in 'Dean's dresses'." Sophie answered with the shops name to what ever it was that William had asked.

There were few ok's and mhm's from Sophie before she said. "Alright honey. See you soon." And after that Sophie ended the call and turned to Aura.
"Aura sweetie. Do you mind keeping the dress on just a little bit longer?" Sophie asked with a smile, but once she saw Aura's slightly confused expression she continued talking, the smiling still evident on her face.
"Your uncle is on his way to this shop right now. He wanted to see the dress on you before we buy it. And because you haven't seen each other in a while, he wanted to keep his appearance a secret from you." Sophie explained softly.

When Aura heard what Sophie had said. For a moment she just stood still trying to proses what she had just heard. But when she realized that she would see her uncle soon, her eyes light up and she smiled wider then she had even once that day.
Not when she had seen Rose, not when she had seen Cindy or even Sophie, had she smiled as wide as she did now.

The only person that had made her smile more then she had now was Mason, but she hid that smile. And quickly pushed the thought out of her mind, before she would start to look like an idiotic sheep in love.

They waited for a few minutes before there was a voice from the person on the cashier, indicating that a new costumer had arrived. Then there was another voice, this time from a man right behind them. "Aura sweetheart! It's been a while."
The voice was gentle, just like Aura had remembered. It was seen and soothing. And although Aura hadn't heard the voice in a while, she knew exactly who it belonged to.

She quickly rose to her feet from a chair that she had previously sat down in. She turned around and ran to the man's arms that hugged her back and spun her around in the air once, before letting her down.
But even after letting her feet touch the ground, the strong arms didn't let Aura out of the embrace. But Aura didn't complain and tightened her own hold on the man.
"It sure has been a while. I missed you uncle William." Aura mumbled in her uncle's chest before the two separates from each other.

William was still holding Aura from both of her shoulders while looking her up and down with a soft smile on his face.
Although William was a tough looking man with a height of 180cm and clearly a well taken care body and a smal beard that had started to grow from his jawline. The smile on his face was genuine. He was a soft and caring person and Aura knew that.

"You look stunning sweetheart." William finally spoke after looking at Aura for a while. "I know right?" Said Sophie who was now standing next to William and holding his arm, while smiling at Aura.
"Thank you so much. Well. I'm going to go change now. I won't take long" Aura said before walking back to the cheanging room. "Take you time sweetie." She heard Sophie's soft voice before closing the door.

It didn't take long for Aura to change and get back out. "Alright. I'll call Alan and tell them we're ready do we can meet up."
Aura started to take her phone but of her pocket when William spoke. "No need sweetheart. I met Alan and the others on my way here. They are waiting outside the shop. But I was wondering who's the fifth boy with them, the one with dark brown almost black hair and gray eyes? Haven't seen him before."

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