~chapter thirteen~

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"So what are you going to do?"
Matt asked softly from Alan, while placing a tray of drinks on to the living room's coffee table.
"You know that the more you hide it, the more she will end up hurting."
He continued, referring to Aura who was still sleeping on the living room couch.

She still had her dress on, and that combined with the peaceful look on her face and her hands laying on her stomach, made Aura look like a princess straight out of a fairytale. Just waiting for her prince to come and wake her up with a kiss of true love.

"I know love. When the time comes, I will tell her about all of this, about who and what she is. And I will take her to the warlock who took and modified her memories. After that her wolf should be able to have a connection with Aura again, and both of them can be whole again. They can finally become one."
After his explanation Alan took a glass of water from the tray that matt had brought them.
He gulped it down in second.

"You've been saying, that you will tell her when the time is right. But when exactly is that?"
Mason spoke. His voice sounding frustrated and a bit irritated. He was normally a calm person, but the situation was slowly starting to get to him.

Alan shot him a quick glare before answering as calmly as he could muster.
"The reason why her memories were messed with in the first place, was because her wolf was abandoning her. After what happend, she had thought, how horrible of a place the word was, and decided she didn't want to live in it anymore. So she slowly left. We can't live without out wolves and Aura was getting sick as a result."
He took another glass and took a gulp before continuing again.
"Now that her Wolf wants to come out again and is ready, it means that she has gotten over what happened that night. But it doesn't mean that Aura has, because she doesn't even remember yet. That being said we can't rush things, and we need to take our time with all of this. We can't just drop everything to her all at once or she wouldn't be abel to handle it all."

Mason was growing more frustrated by the minute. Not only because Auras situation, but also why she was in it in the first place. Losing her parents, and not even remembering the real reason how or why. She had the right to know. Who was Alan to make the decision if she should know or not.

He understood where Alan was coming from, but they needed to tell her eventually. And the sooner they did so, the better.

Mason tried to take a deep breath to calm down, but failed in the end.
"The more you drag this out, the more Aura will end up hurt. Is that what you want!"
He couldn't help but yell the last part, witch caused everyone to look at him.

Alan stood up anger evident on his face.
"Are you retarded or just an idiot?"
Alan asked calmly despite his face showing anything but calmness.
"Of course I don't want her to get hust. She's my sister, my whole world!"
This time the anger was more visible in his voice when he spoke. But he was beginning to wonder something and asked.
"Why do you even care so much, huh?!"

The situation was getting quite heated and in the rush of anger, frustration and his other emotions, Mason said the thing that had been bothering him ever since he had met Aura.
"Because she's my fated mate god damn it!"
He yelled letting it all out.

There was silence in the room again. Everybody was surprised by Mason's outburst. But even more surprised by the words that left his mouth.
But the most surprised was obviously Alan. He also looked a bit scared.

"You're kidding right? This is not funny Mason."
Alan said with a weak voice, witch wasn't that far from a whisper. He was shook to say the least. Him and Mason had stood up while arguing, but now Alan had to blob down on the floor again.

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