~chapter four~

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'No no no. This can't be happening. Not now.' Aura though to herself as she could feel a headache creeping it's way to her head. Meaning the schizophrenic episode was going to start at any give moment now. It had been a month since she had had her last episode and honestly, she was scared.
She quickly sat down on the ground and tried to stay calm and take deep, slow breaths. Although she was trying to stay calm, she was still panicking a little. And it must have shown on her face, because Aura heard Matt speak in a careful voice. "Aura, are you alright? What's wrong?"
Matt started to take a step closer to the now trembling girl in front of him. But before he could even start taking another step Aura stoped him saying "No don't." Almost in a desperate tone. "I'll be fine but please don't come any closer I really need space. My brother should be here soon." She explained and tried to focus.
The two males in front of Aura looked at each other and then at Aura. They wanted to do something, anything that could help, but they also knew that the only thing they could do now was wait.

"Max! Come here boy." Aura called for the only person that could help her. Max immediately came to Aura's side and they settled in to a position, where Aura was laying on the ground on her back, while holding her head do to the pain that was getting stronger. Meanwhile Max was partially laying on top of Aura to put pressure on her chest, so her focus wouldn't be completely on the episode she was having.
They got in position just in time before Aura was hit with a wave of pain, and she let out a little cry, and the pain made her tense all her muscles. As Aura felt the pain hit the second time she heard it, the voice. But just as it had been every time before, it was gentle. "Aura."
But the voice was quickly gone, and Aura continued to shiver in pain and discomfort.

As Matt and the boy next to him saw Aura flinch and tense for the second time most likely from the pain she was clearly in, their eyebrows furrowed and they shared a look. They knew they had both felt the same thing. More specifically their inner wolf's had felt it. It was like another presence that wasn't there before, but it was so quick that they didn't know what to think.
Matt made a mental note to ask Alan about it later.
As soon as Matt had thought that he saw Alan run out of the forest while panting. Alan had lost sight of Aura and could find where she had gone. But now that he saw his sister laying on the ground, he wished he had kept up with her.
Alan looked up from Aura to see His friend Matt and two other friends of his, Noah and Cameron. There was also a fourth person that was standing next to Matt. Alan had never seen him before but could tell that he was a werewolf just like Alan himself, Matt and Noah were. Cameron was born in a human family, but he had found out about werewolves when they started high school. Luckily he had taken it seriously and told them that he wouldn't tell anyone.

Alan was fast to run by his trembling sister's side. He too her in his arms and embraced her carefully. Max had moved off of Aura and was now next to the two siblings and occasionally gave Aura's face a lick.
"Alan. Is she alright? What happened?" Alan shifted his attention to the worried looking Matt. "She will be. She's having a schizophrenic episode. When did this start?" Alan wanted to know. "Not too long ago maybe few minutes" Matt said and Alan just answered with a little nod.
Matt was a bit shucked when he heard the word schizophrenia. Although he had heard some rumors in school, he was the kind of person that believed those things only if they were confirmed.
Matt was a really excepting and an open-minded person. And even now that he knew what was going on, he didn't see Aura any differently as a person. She was still just his best friend's sister, and also a person he considered as a friend.

After about five minutes Aura's breathing started to even out and Alan could feel her body relax, with meant she wasn't in pain anymore.
"Sugar cube? Are you alright now?" Alan spoke softly not to overwhelm his sister. "I'm fine Alan. Thank you." She said with a weak smile on her face. Alan carefully helped Aura to stand up and made sure she could balance herself properly.
As soon as Aura was properly stood Matt walked to them. "Aura you gave us a heart attack! Jesus!" To Matt, Aura was almost like a sister he never had so he was extremely worried about her. "I'm sorry Matt. I didn't mean to scare you." Aura answered now smiling more genuinely.
"Speaking of you guys Matt. Who is he?" Alan asked pointing to the gray eyes boy behind Matt, but instead the guy answered for himself before Matt could. "My name's Mason. So you're Alan? Matt has talked a lot about you, it's nice to meet you."

Aura was listening to the ingoing conversation and when the gray eyed boy had spoken aura couldn't help the shiver run through her entire body again. Mason. She couldn't help but repeat the name in her head over and over again. But when he had mentioned about Matt talking about Alan, Aura's eyes had immediately shifted to his brother and she was sure she had see him blush for a second. But she knew that Alan would never admit something like that.
Then Matt added to Mason's comment. "Alan mason is my friend. The one I talked about in school today. His school already ended and he will spend the first week of his summer vacation in my place."
Alan was talking with the other guys, butt still making sure aura would be alright. However, Aura's focus was only on Mason's eyes, and for the first time Aura noticed how tall he was. Based on the fact that he was even a little taller the Alan, he must have been around 188cm. She also couldn't not notice that he had a good looking body, and it looked like he worked out. He was just in general attractive and beautiful.

Aura could have stared at him forever, and she probably would have if Alan's voice wouldn't have brought her back to reality.
"Aura?" She flinched just a tiny bit by her brothers questioning voice, but it looked like he hadn't noticed. Aura looked up to her brother and she answered with a little 'hm?'. "Would it be alright if the guys walked home with us." Alan asked.
Aura looked up at the four guys in front of her and thought that that must have been what they were talking about. When her and Mason's eyes met, a little blush rose to her cheeks and she quickly looked away. That made mason smile, but Aura couldn't see that because she was now lookin at her feet. The guys had been over at their place many times before, so walking with them wouldn't hurt so she answered. "That's alright. I don't mind." Although the thought of Mason being with them, made Aura a little nervous but she quickly brushed the thought away.
Alan smiled back at her before saying "Thank you sugar cube. But just tell me if you feel unwell alright?" Aura nodded and gave him a smile.

When they were walking back to the house Aura was completely in her own world and was not paying attention to her surroundings. She would hear Matt and Alan talking in the background and ocationally she could hear Noah and Cameron comment something, but it was all just a muffled noise.
She tends to get like this. Not paying attention when she's in thought. And so she didn't see a little bump on the path untill it was too late and she could feel gravity pulling her towards the ground.
She closed her eyes to wait for the impact to come, but it never came. Instead she felt a strong arm wrap around her rib cage area. She quickly gathered herself and turned around just to see mason with a smile on his beautiful face.
"You really are clumsy." He said with pure entertainment in his voice. Aura felt extremely embarrassed, but managed to answer "Not always. Usually only on Thursday." Before quickly getting back on her own feet to stand. This only made Mason smile grow and he gave Aura a little chuckle before taking his arm off from around the girl.
"Aura! Geez be careful. Here take my hand" her brother had turned around and to see Aura almost fall and was now offering her his hand to hold, witch Aura gladly excepted.


Word count: 1530

Note to readers:

The fourth chapter of 'Finding her Wolf'.
Alright I'm going to say few things.
First. I am not a mental health professional in any shape or form. Even if I have dealt with it in some ways, I'm not.
Second. If there are things I this story, that you think I should warn people about. Please tell me and I will add them in the story description.
Third. I hope you enjoy this story.

By: blindchicken101

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