~chapter sixteen~

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Crucial information to the stry. Please read.

I changed some of the characters height.



Mason: 188cm

Aura: (still) 164cm

Noah: 184cm

Cameron: 175cm

The car ride to the green eyed siblings home was quiet and Aura almost fell asleep, but she had to keep herself awake because Mason was sitting next to her. And she was not risking falling asleep on his shoulder even by an accident.

As soon as the car came to a stop Aura ran inside and Mason couldn't help but chuckle at the girls attempt to avoid him.

Just as quickly as Aura had disappeared in the house, she came out with a hoodie on.

"Where are you going?"
Alan asked as he raised on eyebrow in question.

"To get the love of my life. Why?"
Aura asked. She was still a bit irritated by Mason's behavior back in Matt's place, and her voice did not hide it at all.

"The love of your life?"
Now it was Mason's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Yes. Got a problem?"
Aura asked as she started walking to the direction of Rose's house.

As Aura did not give Mason a clear answer, he turned to Alan and Matt.
Alan just rolled his eyes, while Matt barely hid his laughter by Mason's almost jealous face.

"She's talking about Max, her dog."
Alan finally spoke as Mason was starting to look almos desperate.

Matt couldn't help himself anymore as he broke into laughter after Alan had said the world dog more clearly then the others.

Mason just scoffed and started walking inside while Matt was still laughing and Alan had also cracked a side smirk on his face.

When Aura got back the guys had set up Matt's Xbox and they were already playing games.

Aura went to the kitchen to make some snacks and get some drinks for everyone before joining everyone else in the living room.

She settled in laying on the floor with Max next to her.
She didn't really know any of the games or how to play but just watching the guys was almost therapeutic.

But of course at some point she got bored and retreated to her own room for the rest of the night.

It was around eight a clock when she was just playing with Max and she heard her brother call to her from the living room.

When she walked in they were no longer playing, Alan and Matt were sitting on a sofa while Mason was sitting in an armchair.

"What's up?"
Aura asked.

"Take a seat. This will take a minute."
Alan answered seriously but not exactly sternly.

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