~chapter seventeen~

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"So, how have you been?"
William asked with a gentle smile on his face.

"I've been great, thanks."
Alan answered while taking a seat, opposite from his uncle who was seated on a couch in his living room.

"So you and Aura got excepted in the university you applied to. Congratulations."
William went on genuinely being happy for his niece and nephew.

"Thank you. So why did you want to see me?"
Alan wondered out loud, but quickly added.
"I mean it's nice to see you Im just wondering since you specifically said to come alone."

"How is Aura doing?"
William asked, answering Alan's question.

"She's been doing fine. She hasn't had any 'episodes' after the school dance. But she did flip when I told her Max wouldn't be coming with us."
Alan explained about what had happened while looking down at his hands that were placed on his lap.

"Ah, well that was to be expected."
William let out a sad sigh thinking about his devastated niece.
"What about her and that boy Mason?"
William asked sounding some what hopeful but mostly just curious.

Hearing his uncle's question Alan's face immediately turned sour.
"He, um."
William raised an eyebrow in question seeing Alan didn't want to continue.
"He um. He told us that he thinks Aura is his mate."
Alan finally explained all while looking anywhere but at William.

"So my suspicion was right once again."
William crossed his arms and nodded his head in approval.

"Wait what?"
Alan finally lifted his head to look at William.
"You knew?"

"I had a hunch. Of course I know we can't be sure about anything yet, and I'm sure Mason knows that as well."
The older male spoke.

"Yeah Mason also said he can't be sure yet."
Alan confirmed.

William let out a sigh that Alan couldn't quite read the meaning of.
"Look, Alan. I know you don't want to except Mason and that you want to protect Aura, I get it. But you need to let her, how do I put this...explore."
He stopped for a moment before continuing.
"What I'm trying to say is that she's been lonely for most of her life with only few friends. And sooner or later she will find her mate whether you like it or not. And sooner or later she will need that special someone. And that someone needs to be someone other then you Alan. No matter how much Aura appreciates you and your help."
William explained sounding empathic towards Alan, who he knew cared for his sister immensely.

But the truth if the situation was, that Alan couldn't protect her forever, for that was ger mates job and responsibilitie.
William knew this and ge knew that Alan knew it as well.
He understood that it would be hard for Alan to let go of that responsibilitie that he's been holding as his own, because at the time it was.

"I know uncle William. It's just so sad to think that she won't need me anymore, or that something will happen to her when I'm not there to take care of her."
Alan blurted out, but his voice staying calm none the less.
"We've been together forever and we've always been there for each other through thick and thin.
And what if Mason will end up hurting her? What if they aren't mates after all and Aura is getting attached for no reason, and then she will end up hurt after they need to separate? And what if-?"

William cut off his rambling nephew before he could drive himself deeper into self despair, or create the worst care scenario which most likely would never even happen.
He took a deep breath before continuing.
"Now you're just overreacting Alan. I know you're concerned and it's understandable, but let me tell you this.
The moon goddess does everything for a reason, and everything that happens, happens for a reason. We just need to have faith.
And Aura and Mason wouldn't have met if there wasn't some sort of reason behind it."
William explained calmly and with confidence to make the boy in front of him understand, that even if it didn't feel right, it really was.
And that they shouldn't question or underestimate the moon goddess's ways or decisions, for she had a plan for everyone and cared deeply for every one of her childrens.

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