~chapter twenty two~

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Aura gulped as she looked at the building in front of her eyes.
You could almost say that it was massive.
As specially if you compared it to her old house.

It was a two storey building that had a modern look to it, which made Aura believe that it had been build not too long ago.
It looked new too.

It was almost symmetrical from the outside.
The walls were a mix if gray and brown, where the frames of the windows and the door was a light color of pastel lilac.

The building was angular in a way, which adds to the modern look.
The edges of the pathway to the house, had some type of blue flowers growing in flower beds.
If they were fake or real, Aura didn't know, but they looked beautiful. The blue wasn't too vibrant, so it went well with the lilac on the door and window frames.

Same kind of houses were placed in a nice order along the side of the road they had driven to get there.
Not all that many houses, around 6 or 8.
But Aura was too focused to actually pay attention to the little detail about the number of houses.

t both ends of the road there was another road that lead deeper into the city center.

Was all Aura could make out, her mouth hanging slightly open after she had gulped earlier.
And even that one word came out as almost a whisper.

A slight chuckle was heard from behind her, and when Aura turned around Alan was smiling fondly at her.
Alan was still standing behind Matt's car that they had parked only a moment before then.

They had arrived not too long ago and it was currently close to eleven a clock at night.
The streetlights were already lit and it was getting dark. The sound of a few cars driving by every now and then was the only sound left in the summer night.

"Want to go check out the inside?"
Alan asked starting to take slow steps towards the house and away from the box filled car.

Aura nodded with a smile as she already started to walk to the front door.
As she did, she brushed her fingertips over the blue flowers. But even then she wasn't sure whether they were real or fake.

When she got to the front door she paused, before turning around to look at her brother.
As she did, Alan was already looking at her with one single key placed to the extended palm of his hand.

Alan nodded at Aura smiling slightly, when Aura took the key and gave him a look of uncertainty.

Aura took the key, and carefully put it in the keyhole before twisting it.
She pushed the door handle down and opened the door.
It felt like everything was done in slow motion and Aura did everything carefully, as if something would break if she rushed.

When she finally opened the door, her eyes widened. It looked so beautiful.
To her right was a living room or just an area, with a U-shaped couch and a tv. And a coffee table in front of the couch.

Separating the living area from a kitchen was a countertop. The kitchen wasn't huge, but it was just perfect in Aura's eyes.
Behind the kitchen was another countertop with a dining table surrounded by chairs behind it. Making it the dining area.

There was a wall next to the kitchen and dining area, forming a small hallway.
On the wall were two doors, just regular doors.

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