~chapter five~

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By the time they got home, the sun had already set almost completely. It was dark and the only thing lighting the neighborhood were the lampposts that were now turned on, and were shining brightly.
Everyone had already said their goodbyes and good nights. Alan was already at the door and about to go inside, while Aura was still close to the street watching Max who was sniffing at one of the lampposts.
Aura was just about to walk to the door, when she heard someone call her name. She turned around to the direction of the voice, and although she already knew who the said voice belonged to, she was still a little surprised to see Mason standing about 10 meters away from her.
He was smiling and said "It was nice to meet you Aura. I will see you around." The fact that Mason had paid attention to her existence alone made Aura's heart beat way too fast for her liking. Those words made Aura feel like she could faint on the spot and die happy. And her not knowing why she felt that way made her frustrated. What were all these emotions, and why were they there?

Mason was standing under one of the lampposts and the light from above him made him look almost magical, enchanting even. He had his hands in his pockets. And while this action might make some people look closed off or uneasy. Not Mason. He looked relaxed and like nothing in the world could bother him.
Those beautiful gray eyes that shined in the night. His beautiful hair that shined, and moved just the right way under the light and in the soft night breeze.

'no stop it.' Aura quickly scolded herself. She didn't want to turn into one of those lovesick idiots that had cotton candy for brains.
Lovesick? Love?
No there was no way this was love Aura assured herself before answering to Mason, who hadn't exactly even asked anything.
"Y-yeah. I'll see you around." She turned around to walk inside, while cursing to herself for stuttering. Before closing the door, she could hear Mason chuckle in the distance. Aura hurried to her room and jumped in her bed before taking a pillow, burying her face in it, and letting out a scream. The scream wasn't loud and with the pillow, it was almost nonexistent.
She hugged her pillow and let out a sigh before allowing sleep to slowly consume her.

The next day went by pretty fast. When Aura had finished her last test for the day, and her last test of her entire high school it was around 12 a clock. Ms. Smith had left shortly after to go back to the school to finish her work, and Aura was currently in the backyard playing with Max.
Max had brought the yellow little baseball back to Aura, and she was just about to throw it again when she heard a car stop in front of their house, and a car door being shut. She was sure it was Alan, and it was confirmed when she heard her brother's voice along with who she assumed was Matt.
Then Aura got an idea. She was going to surprise her brother. She snuck around the house, and was now behind a corner where she could see Alan talking to Matt through an open car window.
When she was about to run from her hiding place behind the corner and run to Alan, she saw something that made her stop right there and then. She couldn't believe her eyes. Alan had learned closer to Matt and had given him a kiss!
She turned around to face Max who was just sitting there with the baseball between he's teeth. "Do you realize what this means Max!" Aura whisper yelled to the dog in excitement. She quickly took her phone from her pocket in hopes, what she saw would happen again and this time she would be sure to capture it. She had tried so hard for so long to get those two together and she had almost given up. But now it was finally happening.

Aura turned around again to peek around the corner. They were still talking, but not long before Alan started to lean down again. Aura quality took her phone and put it in front of her face to take the picture.
But when Aura took the picture, there was a flash of light from her phone. 'oh no.' She had accidentally left the flash on, and now everyone in the car were looking at her. By everyone she meant Alan, Matt and Mason who she only just now realized was sitting in the backseat.
There was silence for a while before Aura started to take a step back. That seemed to wake Alan from what ever trans he was in and he yelled. "Aura get back here!"
She started running to the backyard. "No! You'll never take me alive!" She yelled. She could hear Alan's approaching footsteps behind her but she kept running. By the time she had run around almost the whole house Alan yelled again. "Aura stop! I'm serious!" She was now in front of the house where Matt and Mason were standing outside the car. She run behind the car and stopped. "No! I knew all along, and this is my proof." She said back to her brother who was now standing on the other side of the car, and Aura showed him the picture she had taken.
They were both breathing heavily due the running. "Aura please delete that picture." Alan's voice was almost begging, but Aura didn't let it get to her. "No Alan. You lied to me. I will delete the picture if you tell me the truth." Alan knew that she was right. She had the right to know, so he let out a sigh and answered. "Deal. Now let's go to the kitchen to talk. I don't need for the whole neighborhood to hear about my love life."

When they got to the kitchen there was an awkward silence. Aura finally decided to break it. She needed- no. She deserved answers.
"So. You two are together?" She asked wanting to get straight to the point. "Yes. Matt is my boyfriend, but it's more complicated then that. Although that is all I can tell you right now."
Again silence. "You're not mad?" Asked Matt suddenly. Aura was a little take a back by the question. "No! Of course I'm not mad I'm happy for you. Heck! I've been trying to pair you two up for almost six months now. I'm just a little sad you didn't tell me."

Alan was a little heart broken when she heard Aura's sad voice. It's not that he didn't trust her. No. He would trust Aura with his life. But to tell aura the whole truth about him and Matt being put together by the moon goddess with a mate bond, would mean telling her about werewolves, and he knew it was not the time for that. Not yet.
"I'm really sorry for not telling you sugar cube. Come here." He held his arms open for Aura, and he was glad when she stood up and walked in his arms.
They hugged for a minute more before Aura spoke. "Never ever lie to me or hide something from me ever again. ok?" It hurt Alan to lie to her sister but he had no choice. "Ok."
When Alan and Aura pulled apart Matt took Alan's place and squeezed Aura in a tight hug. "I can't breathe Matt!" Matt let her down and asked "Can you delete the picture now?" With a dramatic sigh Aura took her phone out and showed Matt the screen while deleting the picture. "Good bye precious picture." She said and wiped the fake tear from under her eye.

"Alright Aura I'll be going now." Alan said before placing the bag in his back. "Get going already. I'll see you tomorrow." She responded a little inpatient. Alan was going to have a sleepover at Matt's place with Noah, Cameron and of course Mason who was going to stay there the next few weeks. Alan had been ready to leave the past 10 minutes but had been making sure Aura would be fine.
"Alright remember that din-." Alan was cut off by Aura. "Dinner is in the fridge, on the second shelf in a red plastic container. Yes you've said it four times now Alan. I'll be fine just go." Alan gave her a little smile and walked out the door followed by Aura. "Alright. Bye then." Alan said for the last time before shutting the car door, where Matt and Mason already waited for him.
Before the car started moving Aura's eyes met with Mason's, who was sitting in the back seat. Aura was expecting for him to just look away, but was surprised when the boy gave her a smile and waved at her. In her surprised state, she nearly didn't wave back in time before the car already left. There was that feeling in Aura's stomach again.
She pushed it away and began walking in side. She was going to talk with Cindy on the phone. They hadn't talked in a while and now that the house was empty, they could talk without Alan hearing them.

Cindy would have came over but her parents weren't home so she didn't have a ride, and Aura lived a little outside the actual town so walking was out of the question. And although Matt could have dropped Aura off at Cindy's, Alan had not allowed it.
Aura groaned at the thought of her overprotective brother as she sat down on her bed, Max next to her. She opened the laptop in her lap and opened the Skype app eagerly, not being able to wait to talk to Cindy.


Word count: 1644

Note to the readers:

The fifth chapter of 'Finding her Wolf'.
Hello dear readers. I don't really have anything particular to say :D.
I think I will try to split my text in the next chapter a little more so there will be more room to comment.
(If that makes any sense :p)
Also a little spoiler for the next chapter. It's going to be a night of the full moon. *evil laugh*

By: blindchicken101

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