Chapter 1 - Owner of a Lonely Heart

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SIDENOTE: The song might not fit the writing. The video above is just the source from which I got the name for this chapter.


Vivian Vacarelli is not a girl of sorrow, but she has experienced many sorrowful tragedies in her life. Maybe it was this that turned the eyes that had once been so vivacious into a dull, vacant stare. 

She wasn't bubbly or eccentric, and nearly everyone would describe her as one thing ; uninteresting.  Many people have said that she is emotionless with her stagnant glare and icy eyes. 

But she hasn't always been boring.  In fact, people used to adore her outgoing personality and perky smile. A smile that now rarely appeared on the face of the girl who had lost so much.  So much that she had nothing left to lose.  Broken remnants of her former self floated far beyond her reach, and no matter how hard she tried, she was only grasping at what had once been and what would never again be.  Though she desperately ran to catch them, she knew it was hopeless, like a child trying to catch a balloon that had already been stolen by the hands of the wind.

It seemed she was always running away from confrontation after realizing all the trouble that it brought her.  She found herself in the most bizarre predicaments with the oddest people, and she wasn't very fond of the havoc that she seemed to create. She, the eye of the storm, watched as those around her were tortured by the whirlwinds of her emotions and actions. 

After years of watching such things, one's soul begins to deteriorate  and all meaning to life and its joys are dispelled. Your eyes slowly turn cold, and you can't help but hate everyone for having the happiness that you lack.  Hate life for leaving you in the rain, while it goes and continues living.  Though it feels time has stopped, it has only gone faster, and you can't help but realize that you are alone.

7, 70, 700, 7000 minutes are all one in the same.  Because you have no reason to distinguish the numbers.  It all looks the same.

This is how Vivian views life and its cruel adversities.  How she manages to put one foot in front of another, and get through the pain that life dishes her.

Life isn't life if you are simply breathing.  Life becomes life because you are living.  You are having fun.  You are on the stage, constantly progressing to the end, but having no worries because it has to end at some point.  You are loving and growing as a human.

In the prior statement, there is only one thing that Vivian would agree with.  That life has to end at some point, whether it was a good journey or not.  The road will eventually come to an end and she will bid everything farewell.   She beams when thinking of death, not because she finds the prospect entirely enjoyable, but because she has already stopped living.  She wants her death day to come, so that she can lose the minuscule amounts of pain that come and go.  The pain that sneaks up behind her and covers her with its wicked touch.  Her final departure will be one of the only moments that she has ever experienced true, careless joy, and it most certainly will be the last.

Or will it?

Or will she die without ever having friends again?  Without ever experiencing the thrill of adventure?  Without ever touching another's hand and simply being satisfied at their presence?  Without showing her true colors?  Without revealing her special smile once more?

This is not just a novel.  This is a story- an experience. This is a chaotic, saddening, scary, thrilling, joyful experience at its core.  This exceeds that of a silly romance.  An ancient stone with stories of its own. A greedy mastermind.  Dangerous rivals who will stop at nothing to hurt, and derail the track to victory. Lovable characters with their own faults, and the strengths to overcome trouble.  They will send you through a whole journey on your own, a great, big journey of fantastic emotions and exciting moments.  They will engrave these memories in your mind, making you regret ever meeting them, laughing with them, and crying with them.  Reading this will leave you shaking in your bed, asking why you ever clicked on this beautiful story with such horrible writing.  They were all fated to meet, predestined to help each other again start living.

Please, do not take on this adventure alone.

Take it with these disparate crusaders who will guide you along the way.

- L O L A


But how can you stop living when you were never living to begin with?

Hi, this was just a short chapter, and I know you must be like "How can you mess up on such a short paragraph", but I tried my best.  I'm sorry.

- yaboi

The Adventures Of John B : The Sacred StoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora