chapter nine

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|space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close|

|space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close|

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ch. 9

close combat

"So what are we going to work on today, sir?" (y/n) asked, holding her hands behind her back, popping out her chest a little more than usual. "Genjutsu? Chakra control? Ninjutsu!?" She said the last word a bit louder than the other suggestions as a hint.

"I was thinking something a little more," He tapped his chin twice, thinking of the right word. "Physical~" Minato-Sensei cooed into her ear, watching his beloved's cheeks heat up, covering her face with her hair/hands (depending on how long her hair is).

A lump formed in her throat from the sheer nervousness she felt. It became Minato-Sensei's routine to make (y/n) blush once or twice a day. Flirting wasn't something the blonde enjoyed doing; it felt like he was throwing away all of his dignity and pride just to score a woman. However, if it was for his beloved, he's willing to flirt until his mouth falls off-- just to see that cute look of embarrassment that made his heart swell.

A hodgepodge of students were already on the training fields, either waiting for their friends or beginning their independent practice. It was a requirement that every sensei stays fit while teaching under Konoha Academy. On rare occasions, teachers would train with the students after school if they weren't drowning in ungraded papers and upcoming lesson plans. Most of the time, the staff will end up training by themselves, not on school grounds.

The sooner they get away from the kids was an inside joke between the teachers. Who blames them for wanting all the moody teenagers gone?

Cheeky fan girls of Minato-Sensei's whispered, giggled, and pointed at the -seemingly never aging- man. When he forced a smile at them, a few squealed while others bit their lip as a way to show that they were interested. Minato-Sensei looked away with a deadpan expression.

"Does that happen often, sir?" (y/n) asked, awkwardly tapping her foot.

"What?" Minato-Sensei said softly as they continued to walk around, trying to find an open space to start training. "You're not jealous, are you?"

He wanted to hear her admit that she had romantic feelings for him. However, he acknowledged that he just started putting his make-sure-(y/n)-falls-head-over-heels plan to action not to long ago. Things take time, and (y/n)'s worth waiting for.

"O-Of course not, sir!" She quickly denied, pushing that idea out of her head. "If anyone would be jealous, it would be Miss Kushina, no?"

Minato-Sensei slipped, "Why?" For a split second, he forgot that he was married.

"Because she's your wife," (y/n) said with an arched brow, then the two shared a laugh. They came to a stop when they found a secluded area that was suited Minato-Sensei's requirements.

sᴇɴsᴇɪ's ᴘᴇᴛ || yandere! minatoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя