Chapter 30 - "Time to meet my extended family."

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[Dean's P.O.V]  

"You know, you didn't tell me what happened to the asshole," I started cautiously, not wanting to piss off Cass.  

"Who are you talking about?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as we stopped in front of a red light.   

"The guy who hurt you and him." I didn't think it was wise to bring it all up, but I needed to know if he got what he deserved.  

Cass's knuckles whitened as her grip on the steering tightened. She took a shuddering breath and with a blank face, started to speak.  

"I was in the hospital for almost a day after Cam... Anyways, I didn't speak for a long time, even after Chase brought me home. I'll always feel guilty for putting him through that when he was hurting too.  

 Eventually, I decided to go to school and Chase figured he might as well go back to work too.  

I was just going to leave halfway through my first day back. It was exhausting, let me tell you. The pity and fake sympathy from those vultures. so pissing off.   

On my way out, I saw this guy just casually smoking, leaning on the wall outside the school. It was Kris, only slightly bruised but he was standing. Apparently, I decided he wouldn't continue standing for long."   

"Apparently?" I interrupted, watching her shift gears when the light turned green.   

Cass nodded as we went down the street. The houses on either side looked like they belonged to the rich people of the town. As we went further down the street, I saw the grandeur decline.  

"I don't remember a thing after laying my eyes on him until I was arrested. They charged me with aggravated assault but cut down the sentence because I was smaller than him. And of course, I'd undergone a tragic loss," Cass spat out the ending. "Not to mention the fact that I had a pen-knife in my pocket that I didn't pull on him. Last I heard, he was hospitalized for at least a month to recover."  

"Why didn't you-" I started but she interrupted me, "Dean, I was fighting illegally. If I accused him of breaking in and murdering my brother, then they would ask for his motivation. My hands were tied so I said that he resembled the man responsible for my brother's death. Besides, since my fighting wasn't legalized, my limbs couldn't be classified as weapons. That would've made my sentence a lot longer."   

I nodded at her reasoning, "How long was your sentence anyways?"   

"Nine hundred and nine days exactly, I've told you this before." She chuckled lightly as we slowed down.  

"You have?" I asked, confused, then it hit me - the day I figured out that Cass had been in juvie. Wow, that had been months ago. "Oh yeah, you have."   

"Congrats," She mumbled sarcastically as the car stopped. I looked out and found that we were in front of the tall foreboding building right next to the church.   

"Come on, Bolton. Time to meet my extended family," Cass grinned despite the slight weariness in her eyes as she took the key out of the ignition. We got out of the car and I followed her towards the large wooden doors.   


Yeah, it's a short chapter. Apologies but I haven't had time with mocks and all that. Next week I'll try and get a long one done, okay my pretties?   


Hope this chapter answered any questions you've had. If it hasn't, feel free to ask away in the comments. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and study. *Shudders in disgust* =P  

Comment, Vote and Share. Don't forget. Please. *Puppy dog eyes*  

~DeadGirlGonnaWriteMore...Maybe (AKA Violet)  

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