Credits (AN)

753 16 4

Hey fellow readers, friends, future friends, bored fanfic readers who don't know what to do with their life or, other. Whatever the following you may be I would just like to say a couple of things before you start reading. 

Disclaimer characters all belong to J.K. Rowling. 

Credit to my wonderful sister Sam for writing this monstrosity with me. Credit to me (Jess) for also writing this and for spending all my free time (school hours) thinking of ideas for this monstrosity. I'd like to say I don't regret it at all nor does my sister. 

I'd like to thank @jamesandlily4ever for spending time to read the story before I publish it. 

I'd like to thank @snugglenuggle for giving me great advice when I asked questions. 

I'd like to thank my dog for bothering me repeatively when I tried to type. 

I'd like to thank my bed for always being there and giving somewhere comfy to sit. 

I'd like to thank the chip manufactures for providing me with easy access to chips. 

I'd like to thank my mom for buying the chips. 

I'd like to thank my sister for being a little brat. 

And I'd like to say I'm sorry for eating all of the chips to my mom. 

Okay thanks for reading this little bit and to check if you did comment the words "Tobasco hot sauce" for a shoutout if you'd like one. 

Love you, goodnight or morning depending on your timezone. 

~Jess and Sam 

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