The Blood Bucket

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I pick really interesting opening photos. 


               It was Thursday and Lily and Marlene were sitting at lunch with James and Remus. Lily was happily eating her turkey sandwich, talking to Marlene about what color Marlene should paint her nails.

"I think lavender or maybe a light pink." Lily suggested and Remus rolled his eyes.

"I don't know, Remus, James?" Marlene asked the two bored boys sitting across from them. The boys looked at each other and James finally spoke.

"Orange?" James winced at the two looks he received from the girls.

"Are you crazy? That would look terrible with her skin complection." Lily said, rolling her emerald eyes.

"Well if you're going to shut down all my ideas then why ask?" James replied, biting into his ham sandwich.

"What color does Sirius like?" Marlene asked James. An owl flew by and dropped a package in Lily's lap. Lily looked at the package. It was a large cube and it was addressed to her from her dad.

"Dear god, I'm scared to open this." Lily sighed, rubbing her face with her hands.

"Lily you're a Gryffindor." Marlene reminded her and Lily nodded and opened the package so no one else could see. She pulled out a letter and read it.


I read your letter and I decided that

We needed to change this not having a

Bucket. So, I went to the store and

Bought you a bucket. I hope it gets put

To good use.

Love you, Dad!

Lily looked at the red bucket, putting down the letter her dad had written her. Looking at the bucket she noticed in bold letters in her father's handwriting was the words 'BLOOD BUCKET! WATCH OUT!' She closed the package and sighed.

"I hate my dad." Lily muttered and grabbed the letter and package. She got up from the table holding the two items and started walking off.

"Where are you going?" Marlene yelled after her.

"I need to retaliate!" Lily yelled back, knowing exactly how she was going to get her dad back. All she needed was a couple of things.

                 James was sweaty and tired from Quidditch practice. He'd need to take a nap before the full moon tonight. Heading towards the head common room ready to relieve his tired body with a well earned nap. He opened the door and saw Lily stirring a substance in her cauldron.

"Hey James, how was practice?" She asked him, making casual conversation. Just because she might like didn't mean she had to act all nervous around him.

"Long, I'm so tired. I'm going to take a nap." He said, looking over her shoulder to see a dark red liquid in her cauldron.

"Oh okay, before you go. You're a prankster right?" She asked and looked at him to see a 'duh' facial expression written on his face.

"Yes." He answered.

"I knew that but, does this fake blood look real? Like real enough to trick a forty-three year-old man with bad eyesight?" Lily asked him. He studied the fake blood and she studied him. Lily never really looked at James. Sure she saw him but, she never truly looked at him. His raven hair was messily placed on his head like he just got off his broom. His hazel eyes behind his thick glasses changed colors between blue, brown, and green flecks. Almost like magic. It fascinated Lily a little bit. His sharp jawline put James Dean's to shame, Lily wanted to know if she could get a paper cut from it.

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