Drooling is Certaintly Not Helping You

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Hiiiiiiiiiiii, how are you? 

Disclaimer J.K. Rowling 

             James' heart dropped when he saw the note he'd given Lily. Of course, he'd expected her to reject him but he wasn't prepared for this answer. He wrote yes or no with little checkboxes and had prepared himself for either answer.

Will you go out with me?

Potter stop

James read over Lily's elegant script over and over again. Even though the words were simple he couldn't get over them. They stung a little bit. He dropped the piece of paper on the ground as if it was poisonous. Peter picked it up and read it. He gave James a sympathetic look and a bro hug. James returned the hug and shrugged at his friend.

"Better luck next time." Peter encouraged James with a small smile. A Peter smile, Peter had a contagious smile. If he smiled it made everyone want to smile. James couldn't help but smile at his friend.

"Thanks, Wormtail, what should I do tomorrow to ask her out? I never really get your opinion." James asked Peter with eager eyes. Peter's face lit up.

"You really want my opinion, Prongs?" Peter asked just to make sure he wasn't joking.

"Yeah, give it to me." James urged Peter on.

"Um okay, I would do it simple with a sign. I've seen muggles do it that way and Evans is a muggle-born so it might work." Peter suggested with a shrug. James' face lit up.

"Merlin, Peter you're smart." James laughed, "Come on let's go make it." Peter agreed and followed James to the dorm.

Wednesday morning, Alice came storming into the girl's dorm room bright and early. Alice had a little box in her hand.

"Lily Evans, my sweetheart. Frank and I have decided on this together. Would you do us the honor and third wheel on our date to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" Alice was down on one knee with a bright pink plastic ring in her hand.

"Oh my gosh really? I loved to!" Lily squealed at her friend.

"Yay! Now you aren't going alone." Alice squealed as well. Marlene was going with some seventh year named Francis. "Okay so, Frank and I are wearing coordinated colors so you got to wear them too. Grey, red and gold." Alice said and pranced her nimble self out of the dorm room. When they got to breakfast Marlene had sat down and Alice pulled Lily into her lap swinging Lily's legs into Franks lap.

"I'm assuming Lily said yes." Frank looked down in his lap where Lily's legs laid.

"Yeah, why exactly am I going with you two?" Lily asked them as Alice held her tightly.

"Alice wanted a child. I said she could use you." Frank shrugged and ate his breakfast.

"Wow, thanks for volunteering me, Frank." Lily said laughing.

"No problem." Frank said with a mouth full of food.

Peter and James strolled down the corridor with the sign they had made for James to ask out Lily. James had a small smile upon his face and Peter couldn't be happier that he had a good idea for once.

"I thought I smelled fish and grease." James spoke as they came across Severus Snape in the corridor.

"Well, well Potter what do you two have here?" Severus' voice sounded light and happy. James didn't like it.

"What do you want Snivellus?" James sounded bored as if this happened every day. Peter gripped the sign harder and took a step back.

"Oh, you know nothing really. But wouldn't it suck if that pretty little sign was in pieces and you couldn't ask out Lily anymore?" Severus smiled and whispered a spell underneath his breath, making the sign turn into tiny pieces of paper that fluttered all over the floor. Peter's smile instantly dropped into a heart-wrenching frown. James looked at him with sympathy.

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