Reproductive Systems Are Mean

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Hey I haven't updated in a while.... sorry. 


             It was Monday morning and Lily felt like she just gave birth to an elephant who was pregnant with a rhinoceros. Her reproductive system was slowly torturing her. She had gotten her period last night and she vigorously cursed about it too. Thankfully, James did not hear her profanities. As she laid in bed in uttered pain that was shooting through her core she felt a lurch in her throat. She was going to vomit. Lily rushed out of bed and down the set off stairs and into the bathroom where James was calmly taking a shower behind the curtain. He heard her enter. Lily crouched by the toilet, waiting for her stomach to finally give out.

"Lily?" He asked in confusion. All he got in response was a lovely sound of Lily puking into the toilet. "Lily, are you alright?" He asked and again no other response than puking noises. He peeked, pulling the curtain slightly back so he could see her figure. She leaned on the toilet for support as she vomited up her guts. His confused expression turned into a worried one as he turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist. James stepped out of the shower, putting on his glasses and came up behind Lily.

"Lily?" He asked once more and she lifted up her head, heaving. "Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded, breathing heavily.

"Yeah, just my period." Lily said it as if he knew what that meant. He knew better than to question her about it though so he kept silent.

"Can I get you anything?" James asked her, putting a hand on her shoulder. He heard Bernie whine from the outside of the bathroom door. Lily nodded, getting up. He held the inside of her armpits, steadying her body.

"Can you please get me the Midol from the drawer?" Lily asked him, pointing to her makeup draw. He nodded and dug around in the draw. "White bottle with a light blue label." She told him as she filled a cup with sink water. He handed her the bottle and she opened it, pulling out two white little ovals. She swallowed them with the water and sighed.

"I'm sorry I disrupted your shower." Lily mumbled, putting a hand on her lower stomach.

"Lily, you were throwing up, you don't need to be sorry." James told her in a soft voice.

"Still." She insisted with a look of embarrassment.

"Lily, take a shower. I'll be waiting when you're done so we can get some breakfast." James sighed and smiled at her.

                   When the bathroom door opened James' breath hitched. He had forgotten how damn good Lily looked in her uniform. And she looked better than last year. She filled out a bit more. Her hips were wider and her waist was thinner. She was utterly perfect to James and his eyes but she wasn't his. 'Soon' James would tell himself but he was starting to doubt it. It wouldn't stop him from trying, it could never stop him from trying. He had a talk with his mother. She told him to go about it in a different approach and he had worked all summer on trying to change, trying to be more polite and more sincere with his words. His mum told him to not ask her out constantly, told him to wait a little bit. Let her see that you've changed and don't tell her you have, she said to him. Throughout the summer James found it easier to be more sincere and mature to people. All people who weren't Sirius Black.

"Are you feeling better?" James asked her, his deep voice echoing throughout the common room waking Bernie. The kitten bounced up, heading directly towards Lily.

"Little bit." Lily breathed out, leaning down to pet the purring kitten at her feet. "Good morning Bernie." She said, smiling at James' kitten.

"Breakfast?" James offered to Lily pointing towards the door. Lily nodded and stood up, putting her hand on her lower stomach. She dropped her hand and walked towards the door with James following her. As they entered the Great Hall the volume suddenly dropped. Lily ignored the difference and walked towards Marlene who was sitting down at their spot.

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