Lip Lock

360 13 18

Hey everyone I thought I'd update tonight.


   It was early Saturday morning and James had a study session in the library later today. Muggle studies is what they would be studying. Well she would be teaching, he would be learning. They were currently learning card games and James sucked at playing cards so he naturally asked Lily if she’d be willing to help. She agreed, saying she’d love spending an afternoon playing cards. James was generally happy she agreed and couldn’t wait to play cards, even though he really didn’t know how. He was about to leave to go get Sirius so they could go get breakfast when Lily came down the stairs in pajama pants and a tight t-shirt, holding Bernie in her arms. 
“Good morning, James.” She yawned. He smiled at her somewhat messy hair. 
“Morning Lily.” He responded, turning around to face her. She glided up to him with ease. Her freshly painted fingernails popped against his kitten’s fur. “Do you want me to wait for you so we can get breakfast?” James asked and Lily shook her head. 
“Nah, I’ve a headache. I don’t think I’m going to do breakfast this morning. I’m going to take an Advil and cut a portion of my sleeping pill and sleep it off.” She said, rubbing her head with her free hand. 
“Okay, I’m going to meet up with Sirius in the Great Hall. Come and get me if you need anything.” He didn’t exactly know why he said the last part. It's not as if she needed him. 
“Thanks James. That’s sweet.” Lily commented, putting Bernie down. Bernie didn’t leave her side though, she just rubbed up against Lily’s leg. “Have fun.” She said, walking towards the bathroom and James left walking towards the Great Hall. He sat down across from Sirius and beside Peter. 
“I know that look. That’s ‘I just had a normal conversation with Lily Evans’ look.” Sirius smirked and Marlene grinned too. 
“Ooo second conversation in the last twenty-four hours.” Marlene giggled and Sirius looked at his mate in shock. 
“Oh, my Prongsies is growing up so fast. I can’t watch.” Sirius gasped, dramatically. Remus laughed, eating his toast. 
“Where’s Lily, anyway.” Marlene asked. 
“Ah, she has a headache. She said something about Advil and cutting her sleeping pill to sleep it off.” James answered, grabbing a bowl of ‘Magic Mufflers’. 
“Oh well I supposed it was about time she got a headache. Lily gets really bad headaches every now and then. She should be fine in a couple of hours.” Marlene assured James, sipping her tea. “Bring her some Feverfew tea after breakfast, it should help.” Marlene told James and he nodded. 
“Thanks.” James said and Marlene shrugged, looking him dead in the eye. 
“Hey, I’m rooting for you buddy.” Marlene commented, making Sirius kiss her cheek. 
“That’s my girl.” Sirius said, lip locking with Marlene. James quickly turned away with his bowl of cereal. 
“Hey Peter, how was your date with Amma?” James asked and Peter told him about his date with Amma. 
“I finally kissed her.” Peter finished and James grinned, patting his mate on the back. 
“Yes, Wormy!” James congratulated him. 

    Hogwarts kitchen was definitely an extravagant place. The dim lit kitchen was beautiful with it’s peach colored walls and wooden square table off to the side. There was a small steel door big enough to fit a house elf and nothing else on the back wall. 
“Mr. Potter, came to see Pippy again!” Pippy yelped happily, clapping her hands together in delight. “Pippy thought that Mr. Potter did not require her service anymore and that made Pippy very sad. Mr. Potter makes Pippy very happy. Pippy would like to know what Pippy can do for Mr. Potter?” Pippy yelped some more and James smiled at the small house elf. He lightly patted her on the head before speaking. 
“Pippy, can you please fix me a Feverfew tea and some biscuits please?” James asked the overly excited elf. 
“Of course Pippy can. Pippy would love too.” Pippy exclaimed, bouncing herself through the little steel door. James waited patiently for Pippy to come back with the tea and biscuits. He sighed and thought about what Lily might say when he met her in the library with tea for her headache and a bit of breakfast for her as well since she skipped. She might think it’s nice, she could possibly think it’s desperate. James didn’t want to look desperate but he didn’t think that this was desperate. This was simply a friend caring for another friend, nothing else. Ten minutes later Pippy came retreating back with things he had ordered. He thanked her and wished Pippy well as he left for the library where he and Lily were going to meet at 11:00. It was 10:56 am and James was halfway there, he was carefully holding everything. He did not want to drop it. Jame made his way to the library and Madam Pince looked at him with a stern glance. 
“Miss Evans is over in the back corner, Mr. Potter.” Madam Pince said in a bored tone. James nodded and gave her a quick thanks that she didn’t exactly inknowledge. Walking over to the table he spotted Lily and she was looking down at the deck of cards in her small, pale fingers. 
“Hey, Lily.” He greeted, placing the Feverfew tea in front of her as well as the biscuits. She looked up with red puffy eyes and James felt his heart drop. 
“Thanks, James.” Lily said groggily and she sipped the tea. James worked up the nerve to ask her. 
“Lily, have you been crying?” James asked unsure and Lily laughed a little bit. She nodded. 
“Yeah, when I was getting the Advil from the lower cabinet I hit my head on the counter and it hurt really bad. I started to cry and well one thing led to another. First I was crying about my head hurting and an hour later I was crying over the fact that baby sea turtles are left to fend for themselves after they hatch.” Lily muttered, shaking her head. “Anyway, what game sounds more appealing to you? Bullshit, or Dirty Underwear?” She asked and James looked at her like she was insane. 
“None of those sound appealing.” He responded and she shook her head, laughing. Fifteen minutes later they were playing Dirty Underwear and James currently had the joker, he was not thrilled by it either. 
“Uh, Lily, can we talk for a sec?” Amma came up to them and Lily patted the seat next to her for Amma to sit down. 
“Yeah, what’s up?” Lily asked and as if she remembered her face lit up. “Wait the date with Peter, how did it go?” Lily asked slightly thrilled. Amma frowned and James frowned a little bit because Peter told him he had so much fun. 
“It was fun, it really was. It was our third date and he pecked me on the lips.” Amma tone faltering towards the end. Lily's facial expression dropped and James looked at the both of them confused.
“He did what?” Lily asked, quite disgusted. 
“He pecked me on the lips. What am I supposed to do with that?” Amma asked Lily and Lily sighed. 
“Wait, what's the problem with that?” James asked curiously. Amma and Lily gasped in shock. James gave them a questioning look. 
“James, if you ever want to date a girl and you get her on a date let alone a third date, you don’t peck her on the lips.” Lily said, repulsed by the thought. She turned back to Amma. “Since he is my friend, I say give him one more date. If by then he doesn’t man up and snog you then, then take the date with Bryce and see if does. If they both don’t, don’t give them the time of day.” Lily said to Amma and James looked at her shock. 
“Why?” James asked and Amma rolled her eyes but Lily answered. 
“James, being peck on the lips is something you do when you're dating. If you're not dating and you're on a date, girls want to know that you actually want us. Sex, kisses, body, personality, everything. An easy way to know that is if he kisses you, like pushes you up against the wall and kisses you good. Oh another technique is if you put your hands on our hip bones and squeeze, just in case you ever need a trick.” Lily said to him and James scoffed. 
“I have plenty of tricks. I am very coordinated in bed, I’ll have you know.” James huffed annoyed. Amma and Lily glanced at each other. 
“Yeah we know, James.” Lily finally said and laughed. James looked at her slightly confused. “Girls talk, James.” Was all she said. 
    Monday came flying by with intense speed and Lily was sitting in McGonagall’s classroom taking notes frantically. Finally when Professor McGonagall gave them a textbook chapter to read and then do a twenty-five question worksheet on transfiguring water into fire. She said there could be minimum talk if they were to get too loud then she’d take the privilege away with an easy snapped of her old fingers. Lily was sitting next to Becca a Ravenclaw who was to her right and James who was to her left. Though McGonagall would never admit it she watched her two favorite students carefully with a small undetectable smile upon her thin lips. 
“James, stop.” Lily whispered to him, nudging his broad shoulder with her own nimble one. 
“What will you do if I don’t, love?” James asked and McGonagall could hear the smirk in his voice without having to look at him. 
“Don’t call me that.” Lily insisted with an attempt at a stern voice but obviously failed. James nudged her again. 
“Again what will you do if I don’t, Miss Evans?” He pressed on, making her shoot him a playful glare.
“Haven’t decided, but I reckon I might hang you to the Gryffindor tower, Mr. Potter.” Lily answered, looking down at her textbook, rereading the paragraph she was on. 
“Oh, really?” James urged and he wrote an answer down on his paper. Good at least they’re doing their work McGonagall thought. 
“Yes really.” Lily insisted a grin grew on her pale face. James nudged her again with a smirk. “Stop it, I mean it you ignorant slut.” Lily laughed at his gaping expression. 
“You tell him, Lily.” Becca engorged the redhead and James glared at Becca playfully. Lily gave Becca a high five and McGonagall almost lost it when she saw James’ horrified expression written upon his handsome face. 
“Thanks, Becca.” Lily thanked the Ravenclaw, sitting next to her. 
“No problem.” Becca retorted and James held up a hand. 
“No, there's definitely a problem.” He said, looking at Lily. “I just got called an ignorant slut by a smartass.” James explained and Lily laughed. 
“Smartass was the best thing you could think of?” Lily asked with a giggle. James rolled his eyes and returned to his work. 
“Shut it, Evans.” McGonagall had to hide a laugh. She was noticing the sudden change in their relationship. 

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