No, No, I Like Your Abs

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Hey guys, I think this chapter is by far my favorite one besides "Miss Evans." I don't know I just it's cute.



    Marlene was the next to know and man was she mad, glad, excited, angered, and crying when she found out. It had been October first when she found out. A couple days later Remus and Peter found out when they walked in on Lily and James snogging in the kitchen covered head to toe in flour. Needless to say, after they recovered from the initial shock they were happy for the new couple. Marlene had written to Alice and Frank saying that Lily and James had gotten together and just had to join them in Hogsmeade next weekend. It was Wednesday and the couple had agreed to meet them on Saturday afternoon in the three broomsticks at four.
This particular Wednesday night had been nice for the new couple as they laid together on the couch. James was twiddling with bits of her hair, amusing himself with it as Lily read an old muggle book her mum had sent her. So far she found it quite dull but wasn’t going to say anything. 
“How’s the book?” James asked, his lips at the base of her neck. They were sat up against the armrest of the sofa and Lily was leaning against his chest, laying in between his legs. 
“Slow.” She responded and flipped a page as he took the book from her, placing it on the floor. 
“Slow as in you’re boring your eyes out or slow as in it’ll get better?” James curled her hair over her shoulder getting a better view of her neck. 
“I hadn’t decided yet.” Lily sighed, relaxing her body against him. Her eyes closed shut and she sighed. James picked up her left hand and started to play with her fingers admiring the delicate painting Marlene had painted on Lily’s finger nails the night before. Mint green polish with a daisy on her thumb and ring finger. 
“I like that you're not wearing your red jumper right now.” He said breaking the silence. Lily knew the silence wouldn’t last long. James hated silence.  
“Hmm, why is that?” She whispered half asleep on his chest. His heartbeat pounding behind her head, she could barely hear it. 
“Because I can do this.” He whispered in her ear, making her involuntarily shiver. He unbuttoned two buttons on her shirt and sweeped the shirt off her right shoulder. James leaned his head down to kiss down her neck to her right shoulder. His arms tightened around her waist. Bernie hopped herself on to Lily’s lap and nuzzled herself into a cute little ball, falling into a deep sleep. 
“Aww Bernie, are you tired?” Lily cooed the kitten in her lap. James stopped kissing her shoulder and sighed with a smirk on his face. 
“You know sometimes I feel like the cat gets more attention from you than I do.” James said amusement lacing his voice. 
“She does.” Lily muttered, picking up the cat to cuddle it. 
“Why do I even try?” James asked sarcastically as Lily kissed his kitten on the head. 
“Because I’m the best.” Lily told him with an amused smile. 
“Yes, that you are.” He agreed. That night they ended up playing a nice, competitive game of wizards chess that Lily won by sheer luck because she had no idea how to play the damned game to begin with. This led to some foul cursing on James’ part and a lot of happy cursing from Lily’s mouth. Lily has gotten her sailor mouth from her dad who cursed regularly as well. Though her mother and Petunia frowned on cursing. James had called a rematch but Bernie got a little too aggressive right as James was about to win and jumped all over the board knocking the pieces everywhere. 
“Damned cat.” James muttered to Lily’s amusement. 
“Oh, Bernie just wanted to play.” Lily defended the feline quickly. It was around midnight and way too late Lily to take her sleeping pills and be able to wake up on time in morning. So she ended up sleeping with James in his room. Lily curled up on the edge of the bed but James had yanked her over into the middle onto his chest. After thirty full seconds of just laying uncomfortably on his chest she started shifting around.
“God what are you made of? Drywall?” Lily muttered mostly to herself. James heard her and laughed a little bit as she put herself in a very comfy position and tried to fall asleep. 

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