Don't Be Sorry, Potter

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                   CLANK, BANG, BONG, CLANK! The noise filled Lily's ears and she groaned. Her father was relentless and stupid if he thought this was a good way to wake her up.

"LILY, MY WONDERFUL DAUGHTER! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!" He yelled, lifting her up out of bed and spinning her around until she was dizzy.

"It's my baby's last year of school!" Her dad exclaimed with a grin.

"Yup." Lily muttered with a yawn. He put her down and hugged her.

"Get ready, breakfast is downstairs with your mum." Her dad said as he left the room. She yawned again. Walking to the bathroom she brushed her hair and teeth, applied mascara and eyeliner, and yawned again. Third time this morning. She walked back to her room and threw on a pair of bright red joggers and a loose gray t-shirt that she tucked in, in the front and let it fall in the back. Lily grabbed her trunk and headed downstairs. She went up and gave her mum a hug.

"Good morning, Lily." Her mum greeted her with a smile. Lily returned her smile and sat down at the breakfast table. Like every year her mother happily fed her. The kitchen was filled with laughter and giggles. As the three of them piled into the car her dad started the speech he made every year in the car.

"Lily, you do well in your classes, you will not let that Potter boy bother you, you will not let that Black boy bother you either. You will make an excellent Head Girl." He said, driving.

"Dad, when have I ever let Potter bother me?" Lily asked with a look.

"Honey, we get the letters from McGonagall about your arguments." Her mum said and her dad snorted.

"I take pride knowing my daughter can verbally abuse someone who's being a prat." Her father said.

"Gilbert, language." Her mum reprimanded him. He smiled at her. The rest of the drive was light with music playing softly on the radio. When they did arrive at Kings Cross it was 10:27am and the train would leave at 11:00am. She hugged her parents like her life depended on it.

"Bye, Alpha male. I love you. Don't get into any trouble." Lily said to her father, who squeezed her tighter. They soon let go and Lily looked at her mum with a sad smile.

"I don't want to leave you." Lily said as her mum pulled her into a hug.

"I know my youngest offspring but, you'll have fun you always do." Her mum told her.

"I love you mum, be safe and stay strong." She whispered in her mum's ear before letting go and grabbing her trunk.

"So long fellow parents, I'll miss you." She waved to them, walking backwards into the brick wall that was the entrance to platform nine and three quarters. This year she wouldn't be in a compartment with Marlene and Dorcas. She was Head Girl so, she'd have to be with the Head Boy in the head compartment. She wondered who it would be. She wasn't going to make any assumptions though. She didn't like being wrong and there were a lot of good candidates for Head Boy. Though she wouldn't exactly be riding with Marlene and Dorcas she decided to find them before going to the heads compartment. It was honestly really easy to find them. They were tall unlike Lily, a short 5' 3 figure. Marlene was 5' 9 and Dorcas was at least 5' 7.

"Marlene! Dorcas!" Lily yelled, getting their attention.

"Lily!" They both exclaimed, running towards her for a hug. After they finished their hugging party.

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