My Freaking Peas, Potter

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Hi, Happy Mother's day!

Disclaimer J.K. Rowling owns everything!!!!!!!!!!!

              The year seemed to fly by with multiple arguments, detentions, tests, exams, and pranks as the teachers and students around them could handle. It was now February 14th, Valentine's day. At the foot of Lily's bed sat a hundred and thirty red roses and a poem written by James Potter himself. This year he decided to skip the jewellery, since her seventeenth birthday present he'd gotten her was a thumbs down. He had gotten her a charm bracelet that she hadn't worn at all.

When Lily managed to wake herself up she saw the roses and card and the foot of her bed and rolled over pulling her head underneath her pillow groaning.

"Wow, Potter delivered this year didn't he?" Bebe laughed at the roses.

"I was hoping he forgot this year." Lily huffed into her lavender scented pillow. Lily pulled herself out of the comforts of her warm blankets and moved her way over to the simple card that laid next to the mountain of roses. The card was sweet and simple. It had heart balloons all over it that were hand drawn by Potter. She opened the card and instantly regretted it for the most ridiculous poem laid inside the pretty paper.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

My twin size bed

Clearly has room for two

If you ever want to join

Don't flip your coin

I'll be waiting

That's all I'm saying

(I hope you enjoy my poem. Remus did not.)

Love you lots, James Potter

Lily rolled her eyes and handed the card to Marlene who just woke up. Marlene bursted out laughing.

"Oh Merlin, are you going to join him?" Marlene joked with her.

"Hell no!" Lily exclaimed heading to the restroom to pee. "I honestly can't believe he wrote that. No I can actually, I sometimes forget that he's Potter." Lily muttered. After the girls finished getting ready Lily picked up the bouquet of flowers and headed out the door with Marlene.

"I'm just going to give to random people. What am I going to do with a hundred and thirty roses anyway?" Lily told Marlene and gave her a rose.

"Aww thanks, babe." Marlene giggled, putting the red flower in her blonde hair. As the two walked to the Great Hall, Lily had given three roses to the three first years they had passed. Two boys and one girl. Lily and Marlene walked to the Great Hall and spotted the boys sitting next to Frank and Alice. Lily hopped their way handing a flower to Frank.

"Oh, for me!" Frank gasped, taking the rose from Lily.

"And one for you too, my dear lady." Lily gave Alice a rose and Alice accepted with a laugh.

"Thank you so much. I'll cherish it forever." Alice squealed, giving Lily a hug.

"No problem. Remus, Peter, Black, and Potter, you boys want roses?" Lily offered them with a cheeky smile.

"First off, it's men. Don't question my masculinity. Second, I would love a rose Evans. I thought you'd never ask. I think it would look great with my hair, don't you think?" Black sputtered at her with a flirtatious grin and took the rose.

"How kind of you to give me a rose that I gave you." Potter muttered before facing the beauty behind him. He took the rose in between his teeth and grinned up at her, which wasn't much since sitting down he was literally her exact height. In the last couple of months he went from 5 '10 to 6 foot.

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