Various Fight Scenes

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Happy Sunday folks I'm feeling particularly nice today and might even update another chapter. I don't know, things happen. 


                 It was the second to last day of school and the Marauders were piled up in their dorm room. Each laying on their separate beds looking at the ceiling. They were recalling things that had happened this year. Memories, funny ones to be exact. Sirius Black remembered it like it was yesterday. It was sometime in March before James' birthday where the event struck. It was in Herbology where James and Evans were in an intense fight, they were partnered up and only Merlin knew why. The two didn't get along at all. Every teacher in Hogwarts knew that. They were working on a certain type of flower that made you really dizzy, Sirius couldn't recall the name. Herbology was not his strong suit. Evans had told Prongs to hold the little shovel and not to touch anything.

"Potter hold this, will you? Don't do anything else but hold the little shovel. Can your pea size brain manage that?" Evans had remarked at him, making Prongs' ego shrink.

"Evans, I'll have you know my brain is not pea size and I'm very smart for your information." Prongs had insisted, holding the little shovel carelessly. Evans snorted at that.

"Well, prove it by doing what I tell you, alright?" Evans had more likely told him than asked. He rolled his eyes, throwing the little shovel up in the air and catching it with ease. He tossed the little shovel in between each hand as Evans carefully removed the plant out of it's pot. For this particular plant you had to be careful you didn't shake it's roots because, if you did, it sprayed a fume that made you pass out if you breathed it in. Prongs had a miss hab with tossing the little shovel and he accidently let it slip and it hit the roots of the plant as Evans was holding it.

"Potter-" Evans had passed out without another word. She breathed in the fume and passed out. No doubt James was going to be in deep shit when she woke up.

He remembered James' birthday, March 27th. James may have gotten carried away that morning at breakfast. That day the Great Hall was filled with people and everyone was staring at the birthday boy. James loved the attention and got a little overly confident. Too confident. He walked up to Evans with a big smirk on his face and kissed her on the lips with intense passion that she did not return. She pushed him away with so much force he took a couple of forced steps back from it.

"POTTER!" Evans shouted, pulling her wand out and sticking it at his throat. The whole Great Hall went silent.

"Evans." He mumbled, confidence all gone. That tends to happen while Lily Evans was glaring at you. It was no secret that Lily Evans had a bad temper and a scary glare.

"What the actual fuck?" She questioned him with an intense look in her emerald eyes.

"Whatever do you mean, Evans?" Prongs asked her with a small smirk he'd forced upon his lips.

"I know you know what I mean, Potter. Unless, you need me to hex you to remember? Is that what you need, Potter?" She said calmly but with a deadly edge in her voice.

"I think it's pretty obvious that I kissed you." James said, looking away from her eyes to regain his confidence. She grabbed his chin and turned it directly so that he was looking her in the eye. He gulped.

"I realize that Potter, but what possessed you to do so?" She asked him, letting go of his chin.

"My birthday present, from you." James told her with a wince. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Really? Well, let me add on to that present." Evans said, hexing him. She gave him pig ears, an elephant nose, purple hair, and a shark tail. Sirius had given her a high five before she left the Great Hall that was radainting with laughter.

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