Aww Look How Cute

271 13 17

Hi! My back hurts.......... anyway hope you enjoy the chapter. 


               James looked at Lily with worried eyes. Just to check on her he told himself. He didn't like the words that were flying through the room. Especially the one involved him shagging her. Sure, James had sex before. Multiple times with multiple different girls but Evans was not one of them. He glanced at her, studying her facial expression. She didn't look hurt and her eyes looked happy. He looked away, trying to get the angered expression off his face. Remus noticed the look.

"Prongs, there is going to be talk." Remus tried to reassure him. James looked at him with a grim expression.

"I fucking know." James grumbled, stabbing his potatoes. Marlene stopped kissing Sirius and looked at James before getting up and sitting next to him. Evans didn't notice Marlene moving, she was in an intense argument with Dorcas.

"James, Lily doesn't care. She was blessed with the ability to not give a shit." Marlene whispered in his ear before going back to her boyfriend's lips. He took Marlene's words into consideration and nodded firmly.

After having an interesting conversation with Remus and Peter, James got up and headed towards Dumbledore's office. He knew he was relatively early and that dinner hadn't exactly ended yet but he had nowhere else to go since Sirius was locked on Marlene's pink lips at the moment nor, was he interested in Moony and Wormtail's conversation about muggle movies. He didn't exactly know what a movie was and he didn't really care to know at the moment.

"Mr. Potter, you're here early." Dumbledore said, walking up behind him. Evans was trailing behind him.

"Uh yeah, I guess so." He uttered, turning around to see Dumbledore.

"Come on, follow me." Dumbledore told them and led them to his office. "Miss Evans, you're taking this well. I'd assume you'd be angry about my choice of Head Boy." Dumbledore noted.

"Professor, I know you chose him for a reason. I have no clue what that reason is but it was just a train ride. It's not like I'll be sharing a dorm room with him or anything." Evans said with ease. Dumbledore smiled a little bit, giving her an amusing look. "Please, tell me you're kidding." Evans moaned.

"I'd be lying if I told you otherwise. You two will be sharing the Head Common Room, your stuff is already there and in place. It's on the top floor behind the painting of the fat lady." Dumbledore said, looking at Evans.

"Yay. That's flipping fantastic." Evans gritted out through her fake smile. "I want my mum." She sighed and intertwined her fingers.

"You can call her if you'd like, Miss Evans." Dumbledore said, pointing to the phone. She nodded before spinning the dial. "Speaker phone, Miss Evans." Dumbledore told her and she nodded once more.

"Hello?" A voice came through the phone.

"Hey dad, it's Lily." Evans said.

"Why are you calling?" He asked.

"Feeling the love dad but, can I speak with mum." She asked.

"She's out with Petunia, what's the problem?" He asked.

"Dad, it's a mum thing." She told him.

"Lily, do you have your period or something?" Her dad asked.

"No, not that." Evans said.

"Oh thank god. I was not prepared for that." He said. "So, what is the problem?"

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