Periods Aren't Sexy, Sorry

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Hey guys, I know I know it's been a minute, quite a long minute but I'm back no need to worry. Now what I've prepared for you today judges is quite the truth let me tell me you. Now after a long while of just thinking I decided "you know what sucks Jessica" I thought, "periods suck" I told myself so I decided to write an entire chapter filled with female problems that makes will never understand. If there are people of the male species reading this then I encourage you to sit back, read, and learn. Thank you for reading my little speal.


        Lily shifted her sore body closer to James, her head nestled in the crook of his neck. She laid naked underneath the thick covers on his bed, her legs tangled with his and her left foot hung off the mattress. It was a sort of blissful feeling that stuck in the room, filling the air with a nice calming scent. Lily breathed it in and let out a relaxing yawn that made her entire body feel like it was on fire. It was nice, she liked it. She trailed her fingers up and down his side, from his ribs to his hips. The series of events played in her head like a tape on TV. 

‘James' tongue roughly trudged through her mouth, almost suffocating her. She kissed back equally as hard and stood up, pulling up with her. His grip on her waist tightened and her knees weakened a little bit. His hands moved quick and very meticulously as his left went to her thigh lifting it to his hip and the other to her hair, tangling his fingers in her red locks. 
“James.” Lily uttered his name lightly and he lifted her off the ground, wrapping her legs around him. He broke the hard kiss, trailing kisses along her jaw, sending sparks through her skin. 
“What?” He whispered gently, licking her earlobe----’

“Good morning, love.” James said gently, throwing her back into the present. The present, right. The present included school, classes she had to get to. Classes that started in forty-five minutes. Shit. 
“We have class in forty-five minutes.” Lily said but James chose to ignore her. He looked up and started talking himself. 
“Why yes Lils, I did have a very good night last night, how about you, love?” James said to himself and Lily ignored that. 
“James, we have class.” She said and he rolled on top of her, pressing her up against the mattress. 
“Glad to hear that you had an excellent time last night too, Lils.” He muttered to himself, locking her hands above her head. 
“I’m serious.” She told him, trying to get up but he wouldn’t let her. He smirked and kissed her forehead. 
“No, he’s Sirius, you’re Lily.” James grinned at her, obviously proud of himself. She shook her head and he stopped her by putting his lips on hers. He lightly bit on her lower lip drawing it back and letting it go. 
“James,” Lily breathed out heavily. “We have class.” His fingers trailed on her shoulder down her arm. 
“We can skip.” He suggested, whispering in her ear making her involuntarily shiver. She shifted underneath him. 
“James.” Lily hissed. He laughed and kissed her forehead again. 
“Love, it’s hard to take you seriously when you're naked underneath me.” James muttered, still laughing a little bit. Lily sighed and tried to get up as she did she felt an uncomfortable jolt in her throat. Her face felt hot with embarrassment as her teeth clenched in her shut mouth. She ripped her hand from James’ grasp very roughly and put it to her mouth. 
“James, I’m going to throw up.” Lily told him and he looked at her confused before slowly getting off of her and she bolted up, grabbing an extra blanket to wrap around herself. Running down the stairs to the bathroom and falling next to the toilet as she felt the last night’s dinner (frozen lasagna from Target) come up her throat and into the toilet. James followed behind her at a slower pace and he came running up to her in shorts and held her hair back as she vomited her absolute guts out. Lily silently cursed her period that was supposed to come tomorrow. Instinctively her left hand checked for blood underneath the blanket covering her but nothing was there. ‘Perfect’ Lily thought. Symptoms now, blood later. She felt James rub his hand up and down her back and mutter words in her ear that she couldn’t quite comprehend. 
“Lils, baby, are you done?” James asked gently as she sat down and shifted so she was leaning against the wall. Lily tiredly nodded and reached up to flush the toilet. 
“Yes.” She finally whispered. James nodded and stood up taking her up with him. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, hugging her close. 
“Yes.” Lily whispered some more. His arms tightened around her but she shoved him away quickly when a hot flash shot through her body. (AN: I don’t know if you guys get hot flashes but I do and I’m sincerely sorry if you get them too.) His touch burned her skin more than it needed at the moment. She squatted down breathing in and out. 
“Lils?” James asked utterly and overly confused. 
“Sorry, hot flash.” She muttered from where she was on the floor. He picked back up to where she was standing before. He sighed not knowing what a hot flash was but he’d ask McGonagall later. 
“Lils, why don’t you skip Defense and take a shower and a nap?” James offered, knowing she’d say no but he couldn’t help and ask. Lily shook her head as she leaned against him, he kissed the top of her head and ruffled her already messy red hair. 
“No, James I’ve got to go to class.” Lily insisted but he didn’t let up. 
“Love, missing one class today won’t kill you. Please, do this so I know you're okay.” James begged slightly towards the end, she stepped away from him, looking him in the eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes. Reluctantly, she gave in nodding her head. “Thank you.” He told her and she nodded once more before leaving the bathroom with James trailing behind her with his hands on her waist. Lily noticed that James was a very physical person, he constantly had to be touching something or someone, most of the time being her. Though Lily wasn’t as touchy as him she didn’t mind his continuous need to be touching her, whether it was locking fingers or just a finger on her arm. She liked it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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