Dead Lily Evans

367 10 14

No she doesn't die.
Sorry I haven't updated in forever.


            Sirius Black suspiciously watched Lily Evans and James Potter on Monday morning during breakfast. Well everyone was watching the two but, Sirius Black was intently watching them not even blinking. He made Remus put a charm on his eyes much to Marlene’s dismay, she rather her boyfriend’s eyes blinking and functioning then them not but Sirius waved her off. James noticed his friends particular behavior and spoke. 
“Problem, mate?” He asked his non-blinking friend, letting a small smirk on his face. Remus was the only one who answered.
“Padfoot made me put a non-blinking charm on him so he could watch you and Lily.” Remus answered, looking up from his notes that he and Lily were going over. 
“That’s odd. Why?” James asked, faking confusion. Sirius spoke next. 
“Prongs, you and Evans didn’t come out of the head’s common room yesterday.” Sirius said, looking at them. “There were rumors you two finally hooked up.” Sirius finished and Lily gasped in shock. 
“That’s absurd.” Lily insisted, turning back to the notes while James looked down to hide a smile recalling Saturday night’s events. 
“Well did you?” Sirius pressed on, making Marlene slap his arm. 
“Padfoot, what do you think?” James asked somewhat sarcastically. Sirius’ face dropped in disappointment. Technically James hadn’t said yes or no so they couldn’t hold it against him when they did find out the two were dating. 
“I knew it was too good to be true.” Sirius sighed in disappointment. “And to think I almost believed it.” Sirius shook his head, undoing the charm on his eyes. He stabbed his sausage aggressively and took a bite. “Wimp.” He muttered to James. James cracked a smile, shoving his friend’s shoulder across the table before taking a spoonful of cereal and putting it in his mouth and looking at his beautiful new girlfriend who sat next to him. 

    Mcgonagall watched as the Head Boy and Head Girl entered her classroom with smiling faces. His arm was over her shoulder and she was laughing a little bit. 
“Ah, Miss Evans, Mr. Potter. There’s a meeting on Wednesday night starting at 7:00 but you guys don’t need to be there until 8:00, is that clear?” She asked them and they both nodded.
“Of course, Professor.” Lily responded with her light delicate voice. She nudged James to say something and he did. 
“Yes ma’am.” He muttered before heading to his seat next to Lily. James sat down motioning for Lily to do the same while she was talking to Becca who just walked into the classroom. 
“Happy Monday to you too, James.” Becca said, sitting down with Lily. James gave her a small head nod. 
“Thanks, Smith. Same to you.” James told her and Lily shook her head with a smile. Becca looked slightly offended.
“Hey, I have nothing against James. He has something against me.” Becca insisted and James snorted at her defense. 
“You’ve hit me with a bulger too many times for me to forgive you, Smith.” James said, making his girlfriend roll her emerald eyes. He turned to look at Lily and squinted in her direction. “What?” He asked somewhat sarcastically. She shrugged. 
“James, it’s quidditch. You can’t expect her not to hit with a bulger.” Lily insisted and Becca nodded with a smile. 
“Uh huh, sure. I’ll buy it for now.” He smirked at Lily who stuck her tongue out at him. He quickly caught it between his fingers. “Don’t stick your tongue out at me.” He said playfully. 
“Uh, hun, o, ung.” Lily tried to say but failed without the use of her tongue that was caught in between her boyfriend’s long fingers. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” James smirked even more and Lily shot him a playful glare. He glared back through his glass but, the silent argument was cut short by McGonagall’s stern, loud voice. 
“Mr. Potter, if you would please let go of Miss Evans' tongue we could proceed with class. And for future reference if you want to woo a girl, grabbing her tongue does not work.” McGonagall said to James with a stern glare. He quickly let go on Lily’s tongue while the class snickered at his behavior. James slightly blushed at his action that caught. 
“Thank you, Professor.” Lily mumbled greatful to have her speech and tongue back. McGonagall nodded before getting started on the lesson and then handing them out a five page packet on Transfiguration Theory. As usual she said they could talk quietly to their desk mates but nothing else. 
“Do you think anyone suspects anything yet?” James bent down to whisper in Lily’s ear. Lily shrugged not knowing what to say. 
“I think with the stunt you pulled in the beginning of class might have given them a hint, since I didn’t fight back.” Lily muttered, her attention returning back to her work. 

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