His Abs Aren't Bad

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Hey guys how have ya'll been?

I am doing great, I lied I am soo tierd of quarentine!!


Jess is going to kill me when she finds out that I added on without her. I am sure she will find out, but until then I won't tell her. Don't tell her either. (PLEASE!)

Okay love yall and tell my story when I die (YOUR FAVORITE TWIN.... SAMANTHA!)

           Sirius Black had been better. Not only did the redhead steal his wonderful bottle of firewhiskey, she had not returned it to him. Now he had to endure his best friends 'after Valentine's Day and Lily Evans rejected me so I'm going to take it out on my quidditch team' quidditch practices without a buzz. He was going to kill that redhead, Lily Evans. Sirius Black did like Lily Evans, he found her sweet and funny but, he was going to kill her. Quidditch practice had been painful and everyone on the team was not in a good mood with Lily Evans.

"Prongs mate, I love you and everything but, lighten up today." Sirius urged his stiff friend. Sirius knew what was going on with his mate as much as James wouldn't want to admit it; heartbreak was scorching through James' veins. James groaned in response. Sirius patted his grumpy friend on the back and tried to bring some emotion on to James' blank face.

"Remus hd sex last night." Sirius lied. James shrugged in response.

"I had sex last night." Sirius lied again and James shrugged in response.

"Peter had sex last night." This lie would for sure crack his friend but James shrugged in response.

"Lily Evans is walking towards us right now." This one wasn't a lie in the least. Lily Evans, the hot ginger was walking towards them with a bottle in her hand. James almost smiled but it soon faded as quickly as it was there. Evans was in muggle clothes since it was Saturday morning.

"Oi Black, Potter!" She ran up to them with a smile. This was definitely something new. "Last night I drank your guys' firewhiskey shamelessly. I decided I owed you two so, I had my muggle friend Francis send me some muggle alcohol. Which is way better and stronger than firewhiskey so be careful with it. It's called Tequila. It will get you wasted fast, so use it lightly." Evans spoke to them handing Sirius the bottle.

"This is very unlike you Evans, but thanks." Sirius said to her. She shrugged in response.

"Thanks Evans." James muttered the words quickly and walked off.

"Don't mind Prongs, he's just in a mood." Sirius said, examining the bottle.

"If I were you I would give him some tonight. It makes you forget feelings." Evans told him and walked towards the castle; leaving a tired Sirius Black behind her.

James felt as if his heart was shattering. He knew Lily didn't exactly know what kind of hold she had on him. So he couldn't really blame her as much as he wanted to. The day after Valentine's day for him was always the worst. He decided he needed a distraction and a boring distraction. McGonagall always had something boring to do during detention so, why not see if she had anything for him to do now. He headed down to her classroom, his eyes blurring with unshed tears. He needed distraction quickly, before the emotional part of him got the best of him and he'd do something he'd regret.

"Professor McGonagall, do you have anything for me to do as a distraction?" He crept into her classroom where she was sitting in her desk doing work.

"That's an odd request Mr. Potter." McGonagall studied him for a minute. "Mr. Potter, come to my desk?" She asked him with a worried look. He slowly walked toward her desk.

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