Must You Marinate In It

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Hey so I found out Sam updated without me. She's currently living. Um will see.

DISCLAIMER J.K. ROWLING OWNS EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chatter filled the Great Hall during breakfast time. Lily was rubbing Marlene's shoulder because she had a headache. Earlier this morning she tried to get Marlene to take a sick day and let Lily take care of her for the day but failed with capital F.

"Marls, you should just stay in bed with Heaty P." Lily told her over breakfast. Marlene shook her head fiercely.

"No, I can't. I have a test and I'm not even sick. I'm just on my period. No big deal." Marlene insisted, taking a bite of the buttered toast Lily handed her.

"Says the girl who was moaning and groaning in pain last night so much she made me give her one of my sleeping pills." Lily remarked, picking up a napkin and whipping butter off the side of Marlene's mouth.

"Who was moaning and groaning last night?" Black sat down at the table and took Lily's freshly made toast off her plate and took a bite.

"Hey! That was my toast and Marlene." Lily answered, glaring at Black who was still eating her toast. Potter sighed and grabbed a piece of toast off the middle of the table and buttered it before giving to the redhead sitting three seats away from him.

"Here Evans." He handed her the slice of toast. She gently took it from him and smiled. She stuck her tongue out a Black before dropping her toast on the ground. Lily's face dropped to complete horror. Black looked at her and busted out laughing at her.

"I-I just... I don't. I don't know how t-to feel. I-uh huh." Lily stuttered out with a sigh. "Should I be sad? Should I be mad? I don't know I just. I don't know. I'm kind of disappointed." Lily continued to herself and sighed again. She put her head down on the table and huffed.

"I'm going to stick with eggs." She muttered and fixed herself a plate of eggs. She began eating them while glaring at Black furiously to his amusement.

"You alright there Evans." He asked her, smirking. She glared at him harder but was knocked out of it by Marlene.

"Lily, I think I'm gonna throw up." Marlene muttered and she and Lily rushed up.

"Oh, okay. Bathroom. Now." Lily announced, rushing her and her friend to the girl's restroom. When they arrived Marlene puked her guts out and then Lily escorted her friend to the dorm and situated her with the heating pad and chocolate. Lily gave her a coloring book and some markers to color with and then set her way to class.

The rain was loudly pounding on the greenhouse roof during Herbology giving James a headache. Instead of doing what Professor Sprout had instructed them to do, he was busy looking through his charms book. He was looking for a particular one, the Engorgement Charm so he could hex Snivellus big toe to swell and pop out of his shoe. It was honestly harmless and just what he needed to get rid of the raging headache he had. Sirius looked over James' shoulder and smiled as James' finger landed on the charm he was looking for. Sirius nodded in agreement and looked over to where Marlene McKinnon was supposed to be. Usually she would be seated next to Evans but she wasn't there. Evans did mention something about Marlene being sick during breakfast this morning so, maybe she was in bed. James nudged Sirius with his elbow and pointed towards Snivellus with a growing smirk as murmured the spell under his breath. They watched intently as Snivellus' toe began to grow and muffled their laughter. They watched his plain face turn into a look of distress until they heard a loud pop. They busted out with laughter as Snivellus shoe pop opened and Professor Sprout looked up.

"What was that?" She asked the class with a look of confusion. James looked at Snivellus who for a second was looking at Evans to see if she saw what happened. But Evans was bent over her work intently not paying a lick of attention to the boys

She'll Come AroundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora