What a Muggle

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Disclaimer J.K. Rowling owns everything!!!!

Joke time: 

Sam: Knock knock

Jess: Who's there?

Sam: Little old lady

Jess: Little old lady who?

Sam: I didn't know you could yodel. 

(I'm sorry) HAHAHAHAHAH!

                  Sunlight fought its way through the blinds and the radio played at a whispering volume. Though loud enough to wake up the beautiful redhead laying in the piles of blankets clouded on her twin size bed. Groaning, Lily untankled her almost bare body out from the hot, fluffy mess on her bed. Misplacing her feet she stumbled her way out of bed and into the yellow bathroom. Lily washed her face and felt herself waking up a bit more. She brushed her hair and her teeth preferably at the same time. She made her way back to her bedroom and checked the clock. 8:47 am it read and Lily face planted into her bed with a groan.

"That's my angel." Her dad stepped into her room. "Are you ready for another year of Hogwarts?" Her dad asked her.

"The voices in my head are telling me no." Lily moaned into her pillows.

"Too bad get dressed and breakfast will be on the table." Her dad said, pulling her up for a hug.

"Yes boss." Lily smiled at him and he rolled his eyes. "Sorry boss." Lily saw him crack a smile before leaving her to get dressed. Lily threw on a pair of gray joggers and a plain black t-shirt which she knotted the front of. Lily grabbed her trunk and headed for the staircase but she tripped and tumbled down the stairs with her trunk in hand.

"Ow," Lily groaned, pushing herself up as her dad came rushing into the room.

"Aw sweetheart, did you stumble and tumble down the stairs?" Her dad asked, picking up her trunk. She stood up and faced her dad. He laughed,"Oh look at this knot, Rose come look at this knot in her head!" Her dad called to her mum. Her mum came into the room. "Oh baby! Gilbert go get her some ice." Lily followed her parents into the kitchen holding her head. It was pounding, blaring. Letting her know she screwed up when she fell down those stairs. Her father got out some frozen peas and smiled at Lily. She knew that smile all too well. That smile meant no frozen peas this week. She tried to smile back but it hurt her head.

"It's swelling and turning purple." Her mum's worried expression faltered whenever Lily put the freezing package of frozen peas on her forehead. Her mum pulled her towards the kitchen table where her breakfast awaited her. Lily knew what was about to happen. It was like a tradition between her and her mum. Though only her mum enjoyed it.

"It's time to feed my baby girl, my youngest offspring, my darling witch, my beautiful redhead, my cuddle buddy, my sleepy little girl, my she-devil, my stubborn queen." Her mum giggled as she recited all of the nicknames she ever given Lily. Her mum's personal favorite was "youngest offspring" but her father's was "stubborn queen". Her mum picked up the fork and knife and started feeding Lily like she was a two-year-old.

"Lily, we're going to drop you off at the station an hour early because your mum has a doctor's appointment at 10:30am." Her dad said with a slight frown. Mum had breast cancer, nobody was happy about it. Her mum smiled sadly at them.

"Okay, cool. I hope everything goes well and I expect you to write to me as soon as you get back." Lily said calmly.

"Well, we've got brunch with Petunia and Vernon after the appointment so we'll get to you as soon as possible." Her mum smiled and fed Lily another bite making an airplane noise. Lily laughed.

She'll Come AroundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz