Miss Evans

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Hey!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe we almost have two-hundred reads!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much!!!!!!! THIS IS SAM AND I FAVORITE CHAPTER, PLEASE ENJOY!!!!!!!!!


                James rejusted Evans on his back, while he, Sirius and Peter entered the hospital wing. Remus was laying in the bed when he saw the red head peeking behind James' shoulder.

"Why is Lily passed out on your back?" Remus questioned.

"She took a sleeping pill too late and now is really drowsy? I don't really know Mar just told Sirius, Peter, and me to make sure she gets fed and gets to class." James shrugged, Remus raised his eyebrows. The shrug made Evans shake and almost her fall off his back, Sirius rushed over to keep her upright.

"Dude, watch what you're doing!" Sirius commented. James rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize, Merlin Padfoot." James sighed.

"Well you are the one with a major crush on her. I'd think you want to keep her in one piece." Sirius pointed out with an exasperated look. Remus snorted at his expression.

"Shut up." James rolled his eyes and repositioned Evans on his back. Evans rubbed her head into his neck making James stiffen.

"You smell good." She whispered half asleep. James could hear the grogginess in her voice.

"You guys hear that she thinks I smell good?" James celebrated, he did a happy dance but was interrupted.

"Be careful." Peter said to James, making him stop his dance and groan. Remus looked at him with a grin as if he found this amusing.

"BOYS OUT! OUT! OUT!" Madame Pomfrey yelled at them, hitting them with a rolled up paper book. They ran out of the hospital wing and headed to the Great Hall to get food.

"Okay, Padfoot spin Evans to my front so I can get her off of me." James instructed Sirius with a straight face. The whole Great Hall was staring at the four of them with odd or curious looks. Sirius shifted Evans to James' front so he could lift her off of him and onto the bench. Sirius sat down on the bench putting his arm out to keep Evans upright. While James and Sirius fixed Evans, Peter went to get the food.

"Evans wake up!" Sirius yelled in her ear. Evans' eye fluttered open for a quick second.

"Shut up." She moaned and her head fell on Sirius' shoulder. He pushed her head onto James' shoulder with his finger.

"Nope honey, your his. It's not going to work out between us." Sirius told her with a smirk. When Peter came back with four bowls of cereal he handed one to each of them. James quickly ate his cereal before he hand fed Evans. She was not working with him at all.

"Evans open your goddamn mouth!" James groaned at her, shoving the spoon in between her shut mouth. "A little help?" James looked at Sirius. He shook his head grinning. James let go of Evans' head and she face planted into her cereal. Sirius snorted and lifted her head out of the cereal making her fall backwards and out of the seat.

"Are you serious?" James glared at his friend.

"No, he's Sirius." Evans groaned as James threw her over his shoulder. Sirius grabbed Evans' face and said, "Yes Evans! I am Sirius!" He dropped her face and it hit James' mid back. James looked at his watch, it was 9:26. He decided he should head to class with Evans, so he'd have extra time to explain to McGonagall. He waved to Peter and Sirius who were late to their first class but they already planned to do that this morning. As James walked into Professor McGonagall class she looked at him with utter horror written on her face.

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