She'll Come Around

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Hello, here's the first chapter. 

Disclaimer J.K. Rowling owns everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DON'T COPY! IF YOU DO WE WILL FIND YOU AND HUNT YOU DOWN AND WHEN I DIE I'LL HAUNT YOU FOREVER! So be a dear and don't because bad things will happen.  

Kay love you all, bye-bye.

             "Go away, Potter. I don't want to talk to you right now." Lily Evans's voice seethes out as she turns the corner at the train station. Kings Cross Station to be exact. "Evans, please. I can't spend my summer knowing you're angry with me." James Potter quickly follows the fiery redhead. "I'll follow you home if I have to." He said not missing a beat to catch up with her. It wasn't hard she was 5 '3 and he towered her at 5' 10. She turned towards him making him stop in his tracks, her emerald green eyes penetrated him with daggers. The sunlight shined on her hair making her glow, it danced above her head and flickered with upcoming shadows.

"I dare you, Potter." Her voice sounded strong and filled with hatred. James wasn't too fond that it was pointed at him.

"TAXI!" She yelled at the upcoming taxi driver. The driver comes to a stop and pulls over for the angry redhead. James follows her into the taxi "God are you serious right now?" Lily huffed out as the taxi zoomed away. James didn't answer right away.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asked. Lily gave him her address and sighed.

The ride home was unsettling not only for James and Lily but, for the taxi driver as well. He could feel the awkward tension steaming off the both of them. He almost felt bad for James because he tried so hard to get the girl's attention but failed to get her to listen. They drove past trees, streams, and stop signs that seemed to fly by. James on the other hand was not paying attention. He was busy looking at Lily, but she was determined to ignore the raven hair boy sitting next to her. His gaze broke when they pulled into a driveway with a small brick house.

Quickly, Lily opened the car door and slammed it shut, yanking her trunk from the back of the taxi. James jumped out as well rushing behind her, "Evans let me get that for you." James grabbed a handle of her trunk. After all the times he asked to carry her trunk she finally let him, slamming it into his gut knocking him out of breath.

"Okay, I deserved that," James groaned. She stormed off in front of him, took her key out of her pocket and opened the door. James followed her inside.

"I am tired, I am going to head to bed, I don't care what you do. Just don't bother me." Lily went upstairs.

James nodded and looked around mesmerized by all the muggle items around him. That's when a shiny thing caught his eye, he walked toward it. It was a shiny box with two rectangular holes in it. Hand warmers? He plugged it in the outlet and put his hands in it after he pulled down a small lever. At first, it felt nice, but then the nice turned into a raging hot fire.

"SHIT!" James screamed, pulling his burned hands out of the crazy hot hand warmers.

Lily rushed downstairs, to see James with burnt hands, she rushed him to the sink and turned on the cold water.

"What the hell James, can I not leave you alone for five seconds without you doing something stupid?" Lily asked.

"I just put my hands in the hand warmers," he said pointing to the box on the counter.

Lily looked at it and groaned, "That a toaster James! It makes toast, you know the stuff you put jam on?"

"Oh, good to know," James said smiling.

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