I Know Everything

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Hey, sorry it's a short chapter but I swear the next couple of chapters are long, I promise. 


       The first full week of Hogwarts had passed and even though Lily shouldn't have been in the greatest mood because of past events, she couldn't help it.

"I feel so fucking free!" She yelled running around like a crazed lunatic. James and Remus watched her curiously.

"Care to tell us why?" Remus asked her. She didn't stop running around in circles around the head common room. Bernie vigorously chased Lily.

"I'm not bleeding anymore. Isn't that great?" Lily laughed, flopping her body onto the beanbag and promptly rolling off.

"Ah, your period is over." Remus insisted and Lily nodded with a bright grin. She felt great like a hundred pounds just lifted off her shoulders. All the pain and constant feeling of throwing up was gone. No more cramps or blood until next month.

"They last that long?" James asked, looking horrified. "Is it even safe to bleed that long?" He asked, even more horrified. Lily giggled at his facial expression. Marlene has left early that morning set on finding a Slytherin date for Hogsmeade tomorrow. She was determined to make Sirius head over heels jealous with a capital J because she was extra. Lily was too tired to stop and Marlene seemed content with the idea so she didn't bother with it.

"Who cares? I can finally eat something without feeling like I'm going to throw up!" Lily exclaimed with bursts of joy. Remus shook his head at her and continued with his book.

"Miss Evans, Mr. Potter, Sirius Black is requesting to come in, may he?" The fat lady announced and James answered.

"Yes!" Lily looked at him. "Be nice, he's upset." James told her and she nodded with a frown.

"Way to kill her mood, Prongs." Remus snorted and Lily let a small smile creep onto her face. Sirius entered the common room and looked at Lily. His eyes were red with old tears that had been shed. Lily felt sympathy. So much sympathy that she ran up and hugged him. He hugged her back and she felt droplets of water on her shoulder.

"I thought you were going to be mad at me." Sirius sighed into her shoulder.

"I couldn't even if I tried." Lily sympathized, squeezing him tighter.

"Thank Merlin you're not. I can't believe I screwed up that much with her. I just— the words just flowed out before I could stop them. Now she's got a date with some Slytherin tomorrow." Sirius groaned the last part.

"I can talk to her for you, if you like?" Lily offered and he shook his head. James stood up and pulled Sirius into a hug as well. Remus sighed.

"This better not become a normal thing." Remus grumbled and hugged his friends. Lily sat and watched the boys hug and felt her heart soften a little bit more.

"Hey Lily, we're going to go get some lunch wanna come?" Remus asked and Lily nodded.

"Sure." Lily said, following the three boys out the door.

               They got to the Great Hall and sat down, Lily served herself a club sub because they reminded her of her father's favorite restaurant ever, Subway. Sirius also made Lily serve him a club sub because, he was a fucking queen and everybody should be pleased to serve him. Remus opted for an apple and water, and James poured himself a bowl of cereal with an excited grin on his face, filling the bowl up to the rim. James ate a spoon full of his all time favorite cereal 'Magic Mufflers' and almost moaned in delight when the chocolatey goodness touched his tongue.

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