Chapter 9

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(this chapter is ALL Bakugou btw)

Katsuki POV

God damn it Izuku, the nerds really sweet and shit but sometimes he's to inocent for his own good, and sometimes that can caus problems, like right now. Izu currently sitting inbetween my legs as we watch a movie, wich is what we normally do, but this time Izuku accidentally left his rooms heater on so his bedroom is pretty warm.

The room wasn't burning sweaty summer nightmare hot, but just warm enought for Izuku to wear a thin, loose t-shirt and booty shorts, and not have any problems situating himself inbetween my legs.

Usually Izuku has a blanket around himself, or he's wearing baggy track pants and a turtel neck, so I can't normally really see or feel Izuku's smooth porcelin skin. But right now I can see and feel everything. E V E R Y T H I N G . 

His dainty collar bone and shoulder, almost the intire left side of his chest showing because the loose peice of fabric went over his shoulder. His thick thighs, pale and rarely exposed to my eyes. 

Luckily Izuku's eyes are glued to the television screen, I've already seen the movies so the ending of the short series is the least of my concerns when I have a raging boner right now. I'm really glad Izuku doesn't seem to notice it at all so all I have to do is stay still, no biggie, just do nothing.

-Twenty minutes later-


I didn't move at all and I think that led to Izuku lulling himself to sleep, because right now his eyes are closed and he's slowing grinding  right up against my crotch, he may not be doing it on porpose but it sure is start to wake something inside me. Fucking idiot doesn't even know he's gonna make me cum. 

Ok this is getting to be too much, I can't take it anymore. My hands snake their way around Izukus waist holding him lightly in place so I can fnish what he fucking started. I toughly grinde my hips right up against his ass, finally bringing myself over the edge, I end up ejaculating in my boxers which is my smallest problem right now.

I just used my crush, a vey innocent one mind you, to get myself off, I know he started it but I could have just got up and left at any time, but NOOOooooOOo you just had to grind up against your unconccious best friend. Great. Fucking. Job. Katsuki. your a disgrace to the Bakugou name.

I sigh and pick Izuku up, placing him on his bed and tucking him in, I clean up are notes and such. I say goodbye to Izuku and godzilla (Izukus trantula) like normal and slip over to my house, it's 10:00 when I get home and the hag yells at me for not calling or telling her I'd stay at Izukus' house.

I lay on my back in bed, staring face up directally at my cieling, contemplating what I just did. I've known ever since sixth grade that I had a crush on Izuku. I honestly think I've loved hime since we met, I just didn't really understand that I COULD have those feeling for another guy until sixth grade sex ed. 

I honestly have no Idea what Izukus sexuality is, I know personally that I'm bisexual, I've mostly only had a couple TV crushes but Izuku is like my dream guy. He's cute, sweet, inocent, somone I can trust, he's gentle and I feel the need to protect him, but he's not so completly a whimp that he can't deal with things himself. He's everything I want in someone personality and capability wise regardless of his image. 

Don't get me wrong he looks beautiful, with his cute face, his freckles that look like stars, his dainty collarbone, those soft slender shoulders, his THICCC thighs, that fluffy hair and his dazzeling emerald eyes. His body istonishes me, the way he can wear womens cloaths better that some of the girls I've seen, the way his tight knit sweater softly hug his curves, the chocolate shampoo and marshmellow conditioner I see sometimes in his bathroom, which gives Izuku hair the smell of smores that remind me of my childhood camping trips.

The way he compliments me, puts me on a pedestal that makes me feel like the ruler of the world, but those soft eyes that bring me down to earth, making my mind go blank like any other idiot in love. The way he mutters, keeping me intrested while in comfortable silence. The cute way he gets flustered and stutters out apologies when he realised he's vocalizing his thoughts.

The adorable little squeaks he makes when anything mildly sexual happenes. The rare times when he moans in his sleep, or when I accidentally touch his antenna because their "sensetive" and shouldn't touch them when playing with his hair. The way he always curls up to me in winter, like I'm the only thing keeping him alive.

The nights I spend thinking about him, losing sleep.

The fuzzing feeling I get when he laughes or smiles.

The dreams I have of those soft lips against mines.

The tingeling in my stomache when I make plans on asking him out.

The butterflies in my stomache which make me bail.

Exactally how it's been explained in book.

Exactally how it's shown in movies.

This feeling I get nowhere else.

This has to be love.

(906 Words)

(sorry that the chapter was short) 

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