Chapter 14

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(This Chapter we get funky with the POVs')

All-Might POV  (Didn't expect that one did ya)

I just feel terrible.

At first I thought All for one stoll young Midoriya's quirk in an attempt to kill me. 

But that was me thinking eratically in the face of danger, not for myself but for my students, which I ended up hurting one of them. 

I'm in the hospital with Tsukauchi, my detective friend, he needs to interogate Midoriya a bit so we are waiting for him to wake up. Him for interogation, and me for apologising. Midoriyas leg is wraped up from mild disintagration, yes thats bad but it's not my fault, what IS my fault is the giant cloud of purple and blue. The dark giant bruise where I hit his Mothra form on the side of his face, covering his jawline all the way down to to the center of his chest, the two of my punches coneted in a giant bruise.  

Bakugou POV

+ Time skip +

Izu woke up about an hour ago, he's just finishing up his interogation and then I get to finally see him, he was kind of wisked off by the meds before I got to check on him. I'm really worried about him. I know that mothra form takes the general Impact but cut's are still cuts, bruises are beuises and they don't just go away, they're just...down sized.


I was in the waiting chair right beside his room so when the detectives where done I could see him, as the door cracks I hear his heavenly giggle throught the door. Thank god he's well enough to laugh. All-might and Tsukauchi head out of the room, avoiding eye contact with me. Pussies. But as soon as they round the corner I duck into his room. 

I am imediatally faced with a gut renching bruise. It's like if someone went ham mixing blue and red paint, splatering it on without thoroughly mixing, the puddle of purpple splotches are all one curved giant bruise that leads from his jaw to the center of his collar bone, covering the entire left side of his chest.

"Hey Kachan!" he giggles

Gotta be happy, for Izuku.

"Heyo nerd. you feeling alright?"

"Kinda? I mean, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to be punched by All-Might."

"You''re the only person who would think getting punched full force by Japans strongest hero is a good thing."

"I guess!" he says giggeling again

There's a small pause of silence. not awkward. Just us trying to get ourselves together.

"I'm going to be needing cruches for a week." 


"LOUD!" Izu whimpers covering his now flatened antenna

"s-sorry Izu."

"It's alright. don't worry though, I don't have a broken bone, just have to regrow my muscle. Faster than bone grown but takes up alot of energy, I'll be making daily checks with recovery girl to slowly boost my healing, they want me consious and for it to be as natural aspossible."

"Alright then." I sit down on the bed

"when will you be out?" I ask

"Theye said I could goback home tonight with my mom, I'll be at school don't worry, just won't be able to do too much hero training." he says wistfully

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