Chapter 2: "Hoseok."

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Hoseok's POV

I paced around my room, debating weather to text Yoongi or not. I was shocked by his appearance, and he was really hot. I didn't want him to think I'm weird by texting him all night, but I also wanted to talk to him forever. I could hear my mom yelling at my step-dad from the living room, so I texted Yoongi. My parent's would come in, and yell at me any minute, and if I was in little space, they'd hurt me even more. I sat on my bed, and copied the number into my contact's. I texted him quickly, and hoped he would respond quickly. I shook my leg and bit my lip, desperate to receive an answer. I sighed a sigh of relief when my phone went off, and I saw it was Yoongi. My step-dad busted my door open, and I saw the belt in his hand. 

I knew he wouldn't hit me, but I had to act afraid so he would go away. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON YOUR PHONE?!" He yelled at me. I dropped my phone on my bed, and shielded myself. "I was doing work!" I told him. He dropped the belt, but he hit my shoulder. Again. I yelped in pain, and tried not to cry. My shoulder was permanently injured from my real dad, and he knew it. I kicked him in his leg, and he stumbled backwards. "Don't hit me!" I yelled at him. He jumped up, and pushed me back onto my bed. He slapped my face a few times, and continued to hit me. It didn't hurt me as much as it should've, but it still hurt. 

My mom came in, and had to pull him off of me a few minutes later. "Don't touch me!" I yelled at my step-dad as my mom pulled him out of my room. I scoffed and got back to my phone, eager to continue talking to Yoongi. We chatted all night, and I almost told him about my little space. I stopped myself from telling him, even if I really wanted to. That was my secret no one ever knew. I didn't let my step-dad get to me mentally, but he definitely hurt me physically. I turned to my school life to distract myself from my home life, and it always worked. 

When I was alone, my thoughts completely consumed  me, and I drowned in them. My thoughts brought out a different side of me that I only saw when I was alone. I was scared of being alone, because I was lonely. It's like there were 2 different people inside of me. One was J-Hope, and the other was Hoseok. J-Hope was the happy and joyful one the people saw at school. Hoseok was the person who took complete control over me when I was alone, or lonely. 

I turned my phone off, because it died, and all of the pain from my step-dad hit me like a bomb. I started crying in pain as I held my shoulder, throwing my phone on the floor. It was like Yoongi distracted me from my pain, and everything disappeared temporally. I could feel my shoulder ache and throb in pain, which only made me cry more. I ended up crying myself to sleep, holding onto my shoulder. 

I turned over, and the sunlight shone through my window. It lit up my room, and I really liked it. I preferred the sunlight over electricity a lot, and I loved the sky. The colors, the clouds, and they way the clouds slowly moved with the rotation of the Earth. I grabbed my phone, and groaned once I realized I forgot to plug it in last night. I plugged in my phone, got dressed, and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. 

"Hoseok, are you okay? I'm so sorry for last night, I didn't mean to hurt you-" "It's okay. Really." I smiled at him. "Are you sure? I feel terrible, and I love you." My step-dad told me with a sigh. "I know. I know you didn't mean it, and I know you didn't mean to. It's alright." I told him. "Okay." He nodded as he turned and left awkwardly. "I'm sorry he-" "Eomma, I'm okay. Really. I wouldn't lie to you." I interrupted her as I grabbed cereal from the cabinet. "Okay." My mom smiled at me. She kissed my head, and left for work. "I'll pick you up later, squirt!" My step-dad joked as he followed my mom out. 

I quickly ate my cereal by myself, hearing the thoughts start to come back. I hum one of my favorite songs, Magic Shop by BTS. They help me forget about the thoughts and voices. I made sure my homework was completed and collected, and left my house. I made sure to lock the door behind me before I left, and sang Magic Shop all the way to school. 

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