Chapter 18: "Boyfriend?"

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"What was that all about?" Sarah questioned Hoseok as they left. "I don't know." Hoseok lied as he quickly got out his phone to call Lisa. "I'm glad they are together again. Not that I didn't like hanging out with them, I'm just happy that they can be with their family again." Sarah told him as she headed into the kitchen to make breakfast. "You know?" She added, looking in the refrigerator. She continued to talk, but Hoseok drowned her out, for he was too busy texting Lisa, begging to know if Yoongi was okay. 

Lisas' POV

Yoongi cried himself to sleep on out way back home, and he was sleeping on my shoulder. "You aren't afraid of us, right?" My mother turned around in the passenger seat to face me. "I'm not sure." I mumbled out. I could tell she was hurt, but I truly didn't know. 

I wanted nothing more in the world than to have supportive, caring, and fun parents for 13 years. Instead, I was stuck with the complete opposite. Their every move and schedule was in-carved into my head, and suddenly, everything was changed. I was finally given what I wished for. My life could now change for the better. I just didn't know whether to trust them or not. I was just confused about it all. 

As soon as we turned into the driveway, Yoongi woke up. He jumped off my shoulder, and frantically looked out the window. "Oppa, calm down. We're home." I told him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Why are we home? Where's Hoseok? What time is it? What happened?" He spoke quickly. I could see that he was freaking out, but hey, at least I knew he was back. 

"Mom and dad were released early, and they're a month sober. They seem to have changed. It's almost 10, and Hoseok is at his house. Because mom and dad were released early, we had to go home." I explained to him. "And don't go back into little space." I added quickly. He turned and looked at me like he's never seen me before. "What?" He asked. "It was cute for a while, but then it got really sad when you were screaming to stay with Hoseok instead of going home. Anyway, let's go." I told him, opening the car door to get out.  

As soon as we stepped inside, father gagged at the smell of the alcohol. "Jesus, I can smell the alcohol." He breathed out. "Eh, I'm used to it. Don't smell any different to me." I told them, picking up my 3 backpacks from the floor. "Really? Does it always-" "Yep." Yoongi cut our father off. "I-I'm sorry, I meant yes." He quickly added, looking our father in his eyes with fear. "Okay...Anyways, do you guys have anything school related you need help with?" My father asked, looking between Yoongi and I. "Nope. I've got nothing to do except unpack a months' worth of crap." I laughed, turning to head upstairs. 

I heard my father sigh to himself as I went upstairs to my room, and I heard Yoongi quickly follow me. I looked at my room, and realized how different it was from the room Hoseok allowed me to stay in. For one, those walls were full of color and life, while mine were just pure white. That room seemed to be happy, while mine seemed more of like a room from a mental institution. Not the ones with depressed people. The ones with people who were psychotic and insane. I turned on my phone, and saw 18 un-read messages from Hoseok. 

I laughed, knowing they were all probably about Yoongi. I told him Yoongi was okay and that he was back, and I went to unpack my stuff. I turned around when my bedroom door was suddenly shut, and my heartbeat sped up. "What exactly did I do when I was in little space?" Yoongi questioned me. He looked slightly annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. "Umm, you basically just cried.  When we were about to leave, you were screaming to stay with Hoseok, and you tried running to him. Why?" I told him as my heart-rate slowed down. 

"Did I do anything weird?" He asked me. "I don't know, did you?" I joked, unzipping one of my bags. "Sh*t." He cursed. I looked up to him with confusion just in time to see him run out of my room, and run to his. I didn't really question it, because I had my own list of things to do, and annoying my older brother wasn't one. For now, at least. 

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