Chapter 3: "Please?"

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Neither Yoongi or Lisa responded to Hoseok that night, and he fell asleep staring at his phone, waiting for a text or call back. The next day at school, Hoseok didn't find them at school early in the morning, and he began to worry. He sent lots of texts, and left voicemails, but they weren't read or seen. Hoseok was a Sophomore, so it wasn't like he could ask a Junior teacher if Yoongi  was there or not. There was no way of knowing if they were okay, and he began thinking of a backup plan. 

Telling the police. 

If neither of them responded to him in 48 hours, he would tell the police. As he walked the halls to his gym class, he frantically looked for Lisa or Yoongi. He saw neither one of them. He wasn't able to focus that day with his mind constantly racing. His teacher noticed it, and he began worrying for Hoseok. After class, his gym teacher held him after class. 

"Yes, Mr. Yang?" Hoseok looked up at his teacher. "Is everything alright with you? You seemed a bit distracted today." He questioned in a stern voice. "I've just been thinking a lot about a friend, and I'm not sure if he's okay or not. I'll get back to focusing, and it won't happen again. I'll stay focused." Hoseok explained. "Would you like to speak to one of the counselor's?" His teacher asked. "No. At least, not yet. I'm sure he's okay and I'm just over-thinking." He joked. "Alright them." His teacher smiled at him, writing something on the whiteboard. Hoseok waved good bye to him, and left the school. 

"Hoseok!" A voice yelled from behind him. He turned around, and found Yoongi running towards him. "Yoongi!" He smiled, running to his friend. His smile faded when he began to see tears streaming down his face. Yoongi ran into the youngers' embrace, and hugged him tightly. "Where have you been? I was worrying about Lisa and you." Hoseok hugged him back. "I know we haven't been friends for very long, but I need you." Yoongi spoke against the youngers' chest. His mind started racing with wild thoughts, and he took it the wrong way. "What do you mean?" Hoseok smirked at him, pulling their hug apart. "I want you." Yoongi repeated, looking in his eyes as he took a breath. "It's hot to see you beg like th-" "To take me away from this place." The younger cut him off. Hoseok looked back at him blankly. 

"I want you to take me away from this place. J-just for a little while." Yoongi exclaimed. "You need to desperately work on clarification." Hoseok laughed. "Hoseok, I'm not joking. My mother must've done something to my dad, because he's becoming abusive now. I can't go back home, and I don't have time for school. Lisa's at a friends' house, and I need to get away." Yoongi explained to him. "Oh, crap. I mean, we can go to my house-" "No. I want to leave the town." The younger interrupted him. "Okay then. I know a place we can go." Hoseok smiled encouragingly at him. Yoongi smiled nervously back at him as Hoseok led him out of town. 

About an hour later, they were about 20 miles away from the school, about 7 miles away from the town. The sky was beginning to darken just the slightest, considering it was almost 5. Yoongi held onto Hoseoks' hand as he led him into a forest. "Where are we going?" He asked the younger. "A place where you'll relax." He responded as they continued walking into the forest. The dark green leaved trees began covering them, but sunlight still beamed through. Yoongi looked around, and noticed the few fallen-down trees, and thought they were beautiful. 

Hoseok stopped at a clearing in the forest, and a thick tree stood tall in the middle. The tree didn't have many leaves on it, and it allowed the pure sky to be seen. He playfully pulled Yoongi into the clearing, and layed on the forest-green grass. Yoongi hesitantly layed next to him, and they both looked up at the sky. "Is this where we walked to for almost 2 hours? A clearing in a forest?" Yoongi questioned him. "Pretty much. I find the sky stunning, and nature always relaxes me. I know where else to go if you don't like nature." Hoseok exclaimed, placing his hands behind his head. 

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